
Flamethrowers shouldn't be transparent; it makes them look rather ugly looking. Either make them opaque, or make them less transparent, and have them ignore darknesss(have them "glow" like the Chaos Emeralds) to make it at least like fire.

Super Sonic/Tails/Knuckles should also glow in this fashion as well.

The fireball that jumps out of lava should use the flamethrower sprite, not the wierdlly filter sprite from Mario Koopa Blast.
Climbing in 1st-person mode is very bad. Have an option to automatically switch to 3rd-person when climbing so you can see more than just a flat, and change back when they aren't climbing.
Wall spikes for Indiana Jones-esque traps. I mean Ceiling Spikes are nice, but they don't really have much use if you're playing as Sonic. But spiked walls would affect Knuckles and closing Spiked walls would affect all three characters, adding more challenge to the game.
Here's some suggestions I just came up with:
  • Sideways Fan Particle Generators.
  • Fireball Spawners for RVZ, which spawn Fireballs that are thrown all over the place.
  • Rolling Boulders!
Here's another idea for the bubble patches:
Make the spawn of the first large bubble be delayed, depending on the angle. Because as of now, all bubble patches seem to be synchronized with each other, which looks kind of unnatural.

And maybe make the gas jets turn into bubble jets when submerged, which would also look more natural. Speaking of gas jets, the current sprites for them look quite resized and ugly.

Here's a music based suggestion, which has been asked multiple times now:
Please increase the amount of ice tunes, because as of now we have only one real ice tune. I'm mainly suggesting this because it would open up more musical variation in the OLDC ice-themed maps, and I have heard quite a few tunes on Arrow's site that could fit with SRB2.
Maybe re-add Midnight Freeze's old tune?

And Monster Iestyn, I was gonna suggest the sideways fan particle generators ;-;
Ooh, thought of a few more:
  • Fading effects for FOFs/Polys, so we can have FOFs that fade in transparency from Opaque to Invisible, for example, rather than jump instantly from Opaque to Invisible.
  • Rotators: These could spin the player and/or a flat, specified by the target sector, along an axis. Or, alternatively, you could spin the player on an area, without needing an axis. Understand?
That's a crushing Ceiling. Not crushing walls, and even Tails can easily get through it.

His post was torwards the spiked walls part of your post because you said that there should be spiked walls which are already existant in DSZ2, and ERZ2 has Polyobjects that can crush you.
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  • Fading effects for FOFs/Polys, so we can have FOFs that fade in transparency from Opaque to Invisible, for example, rather than jump instantly from Opaque to Invisible.

Well, with this you can raise/lower the floor height of the control sector... ;)

As for FOFs, you could technically do it by using the Appearing/Disappearing FOF effect on a set of translucent FOFs (each with its own translucency level) tagged to the same sector, but you wouldn't quite have the same control you've got with the polyobjects, plus, it's an ugly way to do it...
Not really a suggestion, but not a bug report either: please turn down the volume of Brak Eggman's goop firing sound. It hurts my ears, and it drowns out all other sounds.
A new console command, "trigger x", where x is the tag of the linedef executor trigger to activate. It should only work when DEVMODE is enabled, naturally.
New Level Header Property - NumOfExits

Allows for S3K-styled zones where the second act begins right after the first.

Works similarly to NiGHTS mares. When you enter an exit sector:

1. The end sign spins
2. The post-act intermission does it's thing
3. An invisible FOF lowers to keep you from backtracking to the previous act
4. It shows the title card for the next act and sends you on your merry way. Repeat until you reach a boss exit, or reach the %NumOfExits% exit sector.
Wall spikes for Indiana Jones-esque traps. I mean Ceiling Spikes are nice, but they don't really have much use if you're playing as Sonic. But spiked walls would affect Knuckles and closing Spiked walls would affect all three characters, adding more challenge to the game.

Bind whatever key to chasecam. That's a lot easier and simpler.
Kamikaze penguins in BMZ2.
The chase after you at somewhat fast speeds and explode on contact.
They can be jumped over easily.
But watch out for swarms of them. (They come in packs of 8.)
Two rows.
Four on top.
Four on bottom.
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New Level Header Property - NumOfExits

Allows for S3K-styled zones where the second act begins right after the first.

Works similarly to NiGHTS mares. When you enter an exit sector:

1. The end sign spins
2. The post-act intermission does it's thing
3. An invisible FOF lowers to keep you from backtracking to the previous act
4. It shows the title card for the next act and sends you on your merry way. Repeat until you reach a boss exit, or reach the %NumOfExits% exit sector.

We would need a way of differentiating which exit sectors go with which exit, of course. And then we would also need a way of differentiating which End Sign spins with which exit (possibly with angle values--0, 4096, 8192, 12288, and so on...).

While we're at it, we could set up the lowering FOF with a new kind of linedef: "Linedef Executor Trigger--End Of Level". Then we would somehow tag it to individual Exit Sectors.

If we could do all that, this would actually be a good idea. Otherwise, you're better off simulating the effect by making it so that you can see a copy of the first room of the second act at the end of the first act, and vice versa.

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