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  1. J

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    as sad as it is, i cna't figure out how to make an md2.dat file, and put my MD2 folder in. a little help...? '-_o
  2. J

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    this stuff is GREAT. if only I know how to model....dang it! >_<
  3. J

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    holy....CRAAAAAAAPPPP!!!! i haven't been on the forums in a while but....moldy dang CRAP! this stuff looks frekin' AWESOME! >:D man there's been alot of improv ements within this section! more god, this shtuff is nice! keep up the kickin' work! ]:^]
  4. J

    Blaze wad (Production after Kirby)

    i don't know...insanitee over humanitee (yes i purposely put Es intead of Y's)? meh that's a joke. Anyway, i like that idea. i haven't played any of the games blaze was in, though. besides the only kick-A game other than SRB2 i know is definitely SkullTag. ARGH!! >_ < WHY I AM I GOING OFF TOPIC...
  5. J

    Mephiles.wad version 1.2

    i say this is a bad wad...and a pathetic attempt at a recolor. you should NEVER EVER ever use someone else's wads to make your own. i understand editing wads....but coloring them in? oh my god...
  6. J

    Blaze wad (Production after Kirby)

    okay...i see 3 logical choices for her ability: 1. slowfall (sonic rush (someone else said it.)) 2. glide. how in shatners does glide ngo with blaze!? 3. double jump. from Sonic 360 (i dib't know much about her abilities in sonic 360.... >_ <) so we all need to decide on one....if i could...
  7. J

    The Ghoul's Forest

    i wish i could do online on srb2.....for some reason my cpu just won't... i'd enjoy joining you in the NNational "make-a-n00b-so-scared-he-craps-himself-for-the-next-five-minutes-athon" lol! it sound like fun! i like it on skulltag more though lol
  8. J

    mt_FieldOf Dreams

    lol and i need you to but this on SRB2FFH so i can download it! it looks REAL cool and i'd like to checxk it out! ^_^
  9. J

    need help with Mephiles.wad

    lol those are some VERY funny pictures and lightdasher's mephiles actually looks pretty good! i must say, but fo some reason i think the quills aren't thick enough (ignore me if you think i'm insulting you cuz i'm not! >_ <) okay then. that is all. YES! EDIT: and DON'T YOU GO THINKIN' I'M...
  10. J

    The Ghoul's Forest

    This game is like ghoul realms on SKull Tag! be careful because the ghoul/Sajas is twice your speed. i think... and when you shoot it it' doesn't die until it crumbles and then explodes in flames. YES i played this game before lol this is the ultimate n00bzor repellent in any case! ^_^ i hate...
  11. J

    The sonic that can summon animals

    does anyone (if anyone doesn't yet know) of the spin dash glitch for this? it's pretty cool! yet...WAY TOO OVERPOWERED! for some reason...i can't help but smile at it lol >XD
  12. J

    Blob.wad Kind of a Joke wad

    i must say...this is the blob of i hope people aren't getting at me for calling myself an idiot though.... -_ o anywho...back to teh topic: i must say i know people get bored and i never got to see any joke wads other than sms and the roflcopter (lol i liked that crappy roflcopter...
  13. J

    SA2Shadow V3 beta is out! UPDATE!(On hold due to SF94-serv)

    are you guys crazy or something? shadow's superform wasn't yellow OR silver it was platinum. either way...looking at all the sonic games after SA2B....uhh...i think i'll agree with superform = yellow for now... >_ <
  14. J

    The Ghoul's Forest

    ghoul's forest? my lord that was a DUNGHOLE in skulltag.... ._ O I didn't believe who I randomly ran into on skulltag either....*secret yo* either way i hate sajas! they're...uhh how should I say..."aawkwaaarrrrd" and yes in played ghouls forest 3. never did one though.... >_ < anyway i also...
  15. J

    Archie Mecha Sonic - Oh noes, a WAD of him!

    naw dang... are you serious? this looked cool! >:^/
  16. J


    my god! you people are....crazy or something if you think shadow's a recolor! and also since when does his super form make his skin bright yellow? it's supposed to be PLATINUM. i don't care what those bull sonic X shows say. oh and also for those of you that ARE crazy or insane>>> FACT: shadow...
  17. J

    CTF_RiotTrain.wad and now Speed Highway!

    i like the looks of this from the screenies! i'll look at it! ^_^ EDIT: uhh...for some reason i can't find it on the multiplayer maps....should i have SRB@ADX on as well?
  18. J

    The Demented Cartoon Game

    if this is random.... I FREAKING WANT IT!!!! YES!!!! ^_ ^
  19. J

    Archie Mecha Sonic - Oh noes, a WAD of him!

    i hope you finish this wad!! it's looks AWESOME!! i gotts get this when it's released! ^_ ^
  20. J

    Newrecolor.wad! Total unoriginality ftw!

    okey! wait...since when is my name joe? my names james- ERR, jamgames. o_ o