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  1. Dragonick

    what console is srb2 supposed to replicate?

    I mean, it was developed for Windows 98 (or DOS), initially. Original poster said "console". I always figured Saturn, due to the quads, the mixing of 2D and 3D, the large levels, and having lots of sprites on screen at once. I still think so, but it seems to work surprisingly well on the 32X...
  2. Dragonick

    Sonic Robo Blast 2 recreation on the Sega 32X

    I got myself to the second Special Stage! And I found an Easter Egg in GFZ 2! I'm curious what Special Stage 3 is like, and whether there's any more. It'd be neat if the special stages were in the level select (plus any other potential stages), although I guess you're meant to discover them...
  3. Dragonick

    The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd

    My copy told me that there's a seasonal event occuring. What's that about?
  4. Dragonick

    What do you guys think about AI?

    I've got to be honest, seeing it anywhere unnerves me. Whether it's yet another corporation trying to promote their tech, or whether it's as benign as someone making up an image for something in a video; If it weren't for AI, I think that a lot of these use cases would've been taken up by stock...
  5. Dragonick

    Have you seen the Sonic google play thread on twitter 💀

    That would make a lot of sense, unfortunately :( I'm not really sure whether anyone's created an AI capable of writing posts and illustrating them with curated images from the internet, which might explain why the images generally aren't any more specific than "Sonic", but I wouldn't put it...
  6. Dragonick

    Have you seen the Sonic google play thread on twitter 💀

    I don't use Twitter much anymore, but I saw it when I was looking at another tweet. What I liked the most was that each tweet in the thread had a community note below it saying exactly how wrong it was :P I'm not sure how someone with some understanding of technology looks at a picture of Sonic...
  7. Dragonick

    Gimmick idea: Cross-game bonus

    I think a feature like this would be pretty cool, although probably better fitting Ring Racers, since Kart's confirmed to no longer be in active development, and since Kart isn't exactly noted for singleplayer content. For a sequel to a game with its title in the name, Ring Racers doesn't have a...
  8. Dragonick

    Changing music in Ring Racers stages

    Hi, I've been playing Ring Racers quite a bit recently and I've unlocked some extra songs to play in certain levels. As far as I can tell, it's random which ones play when you start a race, but I'm wondering if anyone has found an option to set it manually. If anyone could tell me, I'd really...
  9. Dragonick

    Sonic 2 and 3 are better than 1

    What exactly don't you like about the final version's sprites? I think they look great with the rest of the game.
  10. Dragonick

    Sonic 2 and 3 are better than 1

    There's still not much incentive to travel twice to the Good Future from the Past if you can already easily complete the zone in the past. After destroying the Robot Transporter and Metal Sonic Hologram, there are no more enemies, making the zone much easier. The level design isn't great for...
  11. Dragonick

    Sonic 2 and 3 are better than 1

    If I'm reading it right, your suggestion would cause the mechanic to become trivial: time travel was (hopefully) meant to be challenging to set up and rewarding to succeed, but some zones like Metallic Madness can be really difficult to set up. I'd suggest the zone layouts be tweaked to make...
  12. Dragonick

    Sonic 2 and 3 are better than 1

    I don't think Chaotix would work as well with online multiplayer, because it would be harder to communicate with your partner, but there are probably ways to fix that.
  13. Dragonick

    Sonic 2 and 3 are better than 1

    I think Sonic CD is as good as if not better than Sonic 2, due to the interesting exploration and unique time travel mechanic. Sonic 2 had too many dick moves and strange choices, and was less visually interesting. Knuckles' Chaotix, while not an especially good game, was an example of Sonic...
  14. Dragonick

    The very nice guide on how to use PlayerBots on SRB2Kart

    I'm having that issue too.
  15. Dragonick

    SRB2 Kart Bots? Oh my god! Player Bot Mod

    Oh no. I guess I need to add an icon to the map to get rid of it. I'm probably overreacting again, but I really hope they change it soon.
  16. Dragonick

    SRB2 Kart Bots? Oh my god! Player Bot Mod

    It's not so much disturbing, just creepy. If you haven't seen it, assuming you've played the mod, then I worry I'm going crazy, which doesn't seem at all unlikely.
  17. Dragonick

    SRB2 Kart Bots? Oh my god! Player Bot Mod

    Since I have a horrible memory and I feel like I'm perpetually dreaming, this may not be accurate, but when I loaded the mod, the image for the Player Bot Setup from the local multiplayer was a person's face from the side looking towards me with a strange expression, all in an otherwise black...
  18. Dragonick

    How did you get your Username...

    I got mine from my fursona, Dragonick. Originally, Dragonick was called SonicFishies, but I realised that sounded kinda dumb and not like an actual name a dragon might have, so I took my nickname and gave it a draconic twist. The other reason I changed it was that every time I drew him...
  19. Dragonick

    How'd you get your profile picture?

    I drew mine myself. It's my main fursona, Dragonick. I think this is one of my better pieces of pixel art.
  20. Dragonick

    SRB2 Kart Bots? Oh my god! Player Bot Mod

    There's a zone in the pack called PlayerBot Menu, and I immediately uninstalled the mod because of that stage's icon. It freaked me out and I don't think I'm ever going to be able to play this hack like that. This is certainly overreacting but I'm very, very sensitive to this kind of thing. If...