Recent content by Lumi154

  1. Lumi154

    Port Forwarding Help

    Alright Update time. I got it working in the strangest way possible. After messing around a bit with the downstairs wifi I tried to look there and then logged back into the upstairs wifi what I found strange was that I was still on the default access page for the downstairs router. I did not...
  2. Lumi154

    Port Forwarding Help

    My firewall allows srb2win.exe just fine
  3. Lumi154

    Port Forwarding Help

    Either way the solution does not seem to work. No matter if I use TCP or UDP
  4. Lumi154

    Port Forwarding Help

    Port forwarding does not seem to be working for me. I have a UDP port open on 5029 but it still keeps saying it's blocked.
  5. Lumi154

    Out of curiosity what is everyone's opinion about Arid Canyon Zone 1

    Arid Canyon 1 is by far my favorite stage in the entire game. It feels so open, it's got a number of paths you can use and of course the music. The only thing I would not mind removing are the rope hanging sections since they just take too long. What is the general opinion of ACZ1
  6. Lumi154

    Metal Sonic race help

    Thank you it worked
  7. Lumi154

    Metal Sonic race help

    I am currently making a custom stage where you race Metal Sonic. Does anyone know how to start the countdown when Metal is near the end of the stage
  8. Lumi154

    Green Rocks Zone

    LunaSakura154 submitted a new resource: Green Rocks Zone - A stage with lava caves and grass fields. Read more about this resource...
  9. Lumi154

    Green Rocks Zone v1

    I quickly made this map to get myself started on SRB2 modding. This map took inspiration from Red Volcano Zone and uses the music from (the hopefully soon coming) Red Volcano Zone Act 2. This map has been tested and is completable with: - Sonic - Tails - Knuckles - Amy Rose - Fang - Metal...