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    • JustPegasi reacted to RoniCTz's resource Roni the Cat / Roony with Cool! Cool!.
      Roony, created by the Goddess Riva, soars into the sky, and what seemed like a fun Kart race lands him in the competition! an adorable...
    • JustPegasi reacted to The Adventurers Guild's resource TAG Team Racing with Cool! Cool!.
      What do you get when a bunch of nerds get together to mod their goobers into Ring Racers, and then some? This pack, supposedly. (Just...
    • JustPegasi reacted to Foxeh's resource Foxeh's Silly Models with Cool! Cool!.
      Foxeh's Silly Models. THE MODEL PACK OF ALL TIME If you ever wanted models of some of your FAVORITE sonic parodies, this is the...
    • JustPegasi reacted to MarioFreak2001's resource Ribbon's Models (Sonic, Tails, Metal Sonic, and Legacy Models) with Cool! Cool!.
      NOTE: Sonic's Super form animations are not finished and his model is a little unoptimized at the moment, but the base form animations...
    • JustPegasi reacted to Saxa2007's resource [Open Assets] ROBLOX Nametags with Cool! Cool!.
      Do you want nametags that look good and are actually bearable to look at? Do you like colorful things? Here, take this nametag mod. I...
    • JustPegasi reacted to Chengi's resource Chengi's Character Pack: Ring Racers Edition (V5) with Cool! Cool!.
      The continuation of my efforts to stick a bunch of video game/anime/whatever characters into tiny vehicles, only this time there's rings...
    • JustPegasi reacted to breadbuggenius's resource Dimpsuu's Carbuncle with Cool! Cool!.
      I got permission from Dimpsuu to bring and share their SRB2Kart Carbuncle mod to Ring Racers!! He's complete with the new Ring Racers...
    • JustPegasi reacted to ZitoisNeato's resource BoutKart with Cool! Cool!.
      What was once just an exercise in emulating Sonic IDW character design is now a huge roster of original characters remade to be racers...
    • JustPegasi reacted to Setdown's resource Saturn Street Racers with Cool! Cool!.
      The Saturn Street Presents: 13 All-stars characters and 12 Custom color palettes! with more in their way !!
    • JustPegasi reacted to evan_online's resource evan_online's Booster Content Pass with Cool! Cool!.
      Credits: * VelocitOni - Original Tails sprites from vanilla Ring Racers * Crazy Taxi: Catch a Ride (GBA) - Original Taxi Arrow sprites *...
    • JustPegasi reacted to casual koopa's resource C. K.'s Mecha-Koopa Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      This pack contains the entirety of my modding for Ring Racers! Currently, this pack contains 12 racers, 24 followers, and 3 palettes for...
    • JustPegasi reacted to KellyGoblin's resource KelPack with Cool! Cool!.
      Welcome to KelPack! A continuation of KelChars! Here, you'll find a collection containing 15 characters, 18 followers, and 26 custom...
    • JustPegasi reacted to Team Combi-Rings's resource Combi-Rings Lock-On Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      The team got bored of making mods for Vanilla SRB2, so they came together to make a character pack for Ring Racers! Version 1...
    • JustPegasi reacted to bepisgaming's resource bepiPack with Cool! Cool!.
      cool pack description Compilation of anything that I've felt like doing. Characters, followers and colors included. Enjoy!
    • JustPegasi reacted to Halkel Thundslash's resource Halkel's Racer and Follower Pack for Ring Racer with Cool! Cool!.
      So, this is my first full release here. I abandoned the forum a long time back and ghosted it for SRB2 Addons since. I've developed...
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