Recent content by jeztac

  1. jeztac

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    My quick reviews for your models Mighty: Pretty good, although the shell is deformed, but for being an edit of sonic, and considering how hard Mighty is to model its good, 5.5/10 Ray: very nice model, though you can tell where sonic spikes where before, maybe use a weld on the back of the...
  2. jeztac

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    Like I said a few post back, Sonicfreak94 and I have been trying to port it, every program we've used has failed :( and I really doubt SRB2 could handle the next gen models.That and I don't know anything about wads, and the next gen model gets most of its shading from the normal and specular...
  3. jeztac

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    Yeah, i suck at animations, so thats not gonna happen, I might just do what I did with my sadx style sonic though, have 3dsmax and Quake editor both open at the same time, then try to match the models :P Oh and I have everything needed for Next Gen skins, so I might make a few more...
  4. jeztac

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    I was going to make a model for him, but I need to find a way to convert the Next gen model to md2/mdl, then use it as a reference.
  5. jeztac

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    Umm, I used some sa2 textures, but not from your skin Sa2 is one of the easiest games to rip textures from :P
  6. jeztac

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    W.I.P Next Gen Sonic Skin: Getting the head right is being a pain =/
  7. jeztac

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    Personally I think you should make him glide, not too sure about the climbing though.
  8. jeztac

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    Well it wasnt used ingame, but its the models the sprites where based on if I remember correctly, the model looks extremely like the one Chris Senn released.
  9. jeztac

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    The sonic xtreme model, very nice, how did you manage to port it?Sonicfreak and I have been trying multiple programs with no result sadly.
  10. jeztac

    Wizard Model Edit ( OpenGL

    Sonic Adventure style sonic: simple edit I did working on fixing textures a bit, and changing the run animation. Download:
  11. jeztac

    Updated Sonic (Beta 1 is out!)

    I like it ^_^ keep going with this, hopefully you'll do the other characters to*possible request*<_<