Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

Adventure Sonic (v1.8b) v1.8b

Okay, then you probably have "open menu" set to the back button on an Xbox Controller. The back button on an Xbox Controller always open the SAmenu regardless of what it's bound to, just like the keyboard's natural pause key.
Okay, then you probably have "open menu" set to the back button on an Xbox Controller. The back button on an Xbox Controller always open the SAmenu regardless of what it's bound to, just like the keyboard's natural pause key.
Mathematical!! Thanks I'll just... um code my Brain to swap inputs.
New update looks awesome! Is soap shoes sonic still planned?
Metalwario hasn't given up on the idea, but he's not working on that in particular right now. I wouldn't expect it too soon.

It's a thing I do still want to do, but it probably won't be for quite a long while still. Other things have come up and my life situation has changed drastically since I started all of this.
Oh heeeey, nevermind, the legend himself, how'ya doing?
Heyyy, very minor bug report. Hyper Sonic's trail was jittering up and down while flying up/down, viewed from the side. Here's a gif.


My uneducated guess is that this is from the uncapped fps support? (quick edit to be clear: i wasn't using uncapped myself here) But obviously I don't actually know. I don't think any of the mods I had on would cause this- it's only sloperollangle, rushchars and a bunch of cosmetic SA stuff. I checked the spin trail and it works as normal, but i don't know if this extends to, say, any trails Super Sonic may have.

It also happens while grounded and going up/down slopes, as seen here.


If it's worth noting, I was using Hybrid game style and simple camera in these gifs (i just used the lockon strafe in the second one for ease of display). Haven't seen if any other styles have the same bug or anything like that.
Tiniest little visual issue here aside, great update bosses. Keep up the good work as long as you want to. o7

second edit: I just tested grounded Super Sonic and there's trail jitter there too. Didn't capture a gif cuz it was basically more of the same, but there ya go.
third edit: hopefully the last one? And I'm not even sure this is unintentional, but on the off-chance it is: Hyper Sonic's flight trail turns pure red when he's low on rings. I'm only guessing this could be some sort of oversight because you usually have to try to get low on rings on purpose when you're Hyper...
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Please tell me we have rail grinding!

We don't, do we?
we don't but it said "Added all-new grinding sprites! They're used for the surfboard frames atm, but perhaps they're hiding a secret use you'll see come to light real soon?" in the update log so we might get it later.
Iiit's me again... I have another issue to report, this time with the SA2 style jump. specifically, the trail spheres.

It looks way off. It was hard to find a good, high-contrast place to take a proper gif, but hopefully this shows it enough- there are definitely more spheres than there should be, and their positioning is pretty wacky too. They also get more mispositioned for a frame on landing. I checked SA2 itself to make sure I wasn't crazy, and- although I know I don't need to tell this to GS and MW in particular, I don't think, for the sake of anyone else reading I'll mention it- there are only 3 trail spheres there, and they follow Sonic's trajectory pretty exactly. So, yeah.

Sorry if all this bug/issue reporting feels nitpicky or anything.🙇‍♂️ The gameplay side of things is as great as always, and all of the new visual stuff is sick! I only wanna help make sure SA-Sonic is where he should be. I'm simply working under "If something feels wrong, I should probably let the mod devs know!"- I don't take any actual issue with these little visual problems, and I don't think anyone else should, 'cuz in the end they're ridiculously minor things that slip through the cracks sometimes.

I could have a pretty promising career as a bug tester in my future though, eh? :p
Okay, then you probably have "open menu" set to the back button on an Xbox Controller. The back button on an Xbox Controller always open the SAmenu regardless of what it's bound to, just like the keyboard's natural pause key.
yeah for some reason my controller does this on my LEFT TRIGGER which i use for CAMERA CONTROLS... you should be able to see why this is a problem

i'm using a DirectInput controller btw which is probably why it's there.
Would it be possible to add a command that toggles the SA-Menu opening when you press the Xbox back button to mitigate this issue?
Still not a fan of the light speed dash imo. It would be fair if you could atleast charge it while running.

Maybe an option for no spamdash for people like the SA2 Spindash? Some people think the SA1 spindash is overpowered and pefer to use it like a roll button in SA2. Overall Giving the player these options doesn't remove anything but gives more cuztimaztion.
think i found a bug for super colors

Please tell me we have rail grinding!
We have grinding! ...but we don't got rails... yet

Heyyy, very minor bug report.
1 and 2 are partly intentional for a dynamic ghost trail, but I probably should've guessed the Z jitter could look weird on some angles and might've been better leaving that out.

The third has always been a feature to warn you're low on rings, since not everybody's staring at the ring counter 24/7.

Iiit's me again... I have another issue to report.

Sorry if all this bug/issue reporting feels nitpicky or anything.🙇‍♂️
Hey, I can't serve the people's wishes if they don't voice them! Keep it coming, even if you think it's petty!

yeah for some reason my controller does this on my LEFT TRIGGER which i use for CAMERA CONTROLS... you should be able to see why this is a problem

i'm using a DirectInput controller btw which is probably why it's there.
Would it be possible to add a command that toggles the SA-Menu opening when you press the Xbox back button to mitigate this issue?
Truth be told, I forgot I added that extra feature for the back button. It's in since I used it personally for testing, but good to know it apparently affects other controllers in unexpected ways. I guess it's best left off removed in the near-future.

Still not a fan of the light speed dash imo. It would be fair if you could atleast charge it while running.

Maybe an option for no spamdash for people like the SA2 Spindash? Some people think the SA1 spindash is overpowered and pefer to use it like a roll button in SA2. Overall Giving the player these options doesn't remove anything but gives more cuztimaztion.
It's not warranted to throw a wall of text at you for a minor comment, but I just want something comprehensive to point back to whenever I want to explain my decision. I'mma spoiler it, feel free to choose whether you care to read it.

Alot of thought went into this choice before making it.

Some basic reasons like:
-It'd obviously make SA-Sonic more OP, and we were treading that line already
-It'd be overkill easy to both get and uphold Super Sonic
-It'd destroy multiplayer special stages
-It can interfere with infinitely more important actions. You NEVER want to lightdash when you meant to spindash/bounce, or have to stop yourself from doing so because rings are in the way.
-People need to bind more custom buttons to play SA-Sonic properly if I made it a custom button.

-This method prevents players bouncing into pits instead of lightdashing due to of depth perception, which never feels fair.

But there's other specific design reasons relating to SRB2's ring placement.

In an SRB2 context, a rapid lightdash is a novelty that might either be OP or useless depending on SRB2's hugely varying levels, none of which place rings with a lightdash in mind. This leads to Sonic spazzing around if you nonsensically lightdash on weird ring patterns, which alot of players will do anyway just for free rings, and it looks "le funny".

But when you need to charge, you think about what you're doing and where you'll end up. You consciously make decisions and choose ringtrails benefitting your movement, rather than zoom across any random ring pattern for ez rings. The Lightdash is meant as a movement tool. If I encourage lightdash spam, I also encourage SA-Sonic to spazz across unpredictable ring patterns, slow himself down and change direction all the time, and accidents where you're flung into walls and traps. I can't make the lightdash range less reliable either just to make it more situational. SA2 and Heroes' lightdashes are both awful for that reason.

Plus, if you can use it on-the-run, I have to make another choice. Do I allow players to potentially fly out of control if I retain their potentially superfast momentum into these unpredictable ring patterns? I slow them down in an unsatisfying way because it'll go at a set speed? I can't win in that respect. But momentum isn't an issue with the charged version. Both the player and I know what speed they'll be entering the ringtrail at, giving both of us a more predictable pattern to react to.

Try using the quick-charge and this lightdash version's boosted chaining potential. (Sonic can ALWAYS charge or jump from a lightdash, even in midair.) You'll come to see that the Lightdash I gave SA-Sonic, while not spammable, is more versatile than it's been in any game. If for whatever reason you STILL can't deal with it, add a general lightdash mod like this one:

As a reminder, I'm not adding any gameplay-affecting customizability for SA-Sonic at any point.

How can I gift bots in single player?
With mods like botskin or addbot. You can't usually add bots in vanilla SRB2, and Tails doesn't have a specific present.

This might be a layer issue, how did this happen?
I'm not TOO surprised nobody's ever noticed that because of all the effects on Super Sonic And Metalwario was sleep deprived making this....but it sucks it slipped through...

View attachment 87671

goofy lighting while playing oldc speed highway
What mods were added when you took this screenshot?
why is he gray when i load him up? (edit: oh my gosh i'm so stupid there's an option to change his color in the settings, i should delete this)

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