Four 2.1 Tidbits

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Classic Sonic games: Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD, Sonic 3, Sonic and Knuckles
Also sorta count: Sonic 1 8-bit, Sonic 2 8-bit, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Triple Trouble

SRB2 attempts to replicate the general atmosphere of the classic Sega Genesis Sonic games in 3D. Sonic Adventure and friends are NOT counted in this exercise. While at this point Sonic Adventure is old enough to be considered for such a qualification, it isn't what people mean when they say "classic Sonic", and you shouldn't pretend otherwise.
Classic Sonic games: Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD, Sonic 3, Sonic and Knuckles
Also sorta count: Sonic 1 8-bit, Sonic 2 8-bit, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Triple Trouble

Where do Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Labyrinth, Sonic Spinball and some others fit in? =P
I usually count up to Knuckles Chaotix and G sonic/Sonic Blast. anything that could be played on a genesis, 32x, CD, and Game Gear.
You're missing the point. When someone says something along the lines of "classic Sonic", they don't mean Sonic Blast for the Game Gear. Sonic Blast is awful. When people say "classic Sonic", the implication is "The 2D platforming Sonic the Hedgehog games for the Sega Genesis (and Sega CD)", not "Sonic the Hedgehog games released before Sonic Adventure", because while I guess Sonic Blast fulfills the date requirements, I certainly wouldn't call it a classic in any sense of the word.
It's pretty much been confirmed for months now that there will be no Blue Mountain Zone or whatever, as it has been scrapped in favour of an actual RVZ2. The SRB2 Wiki says it, even.
Well either Monster is wrong, in which case so is the Wiki, either you just wanna troll me Rob. :P
I have a question, if SRB2 is going to get updated with new ways for secrets is there going to be different pages displaying the secrets and unlockables like the Statistics screen has five pages to show, so will the Secrets screen have more pages to display instead of one? This will expand gameplay and creativity in wads if this happens (mostly secrets involving more levels).
Just because they want an actual RVZ2 instead of BMZ2 doesn't mean they can't ever make a single-player ice level.
Just because they want an actual RVZ2 instead of BMZ2 doesn't mean they can't ever make a single-player ice level.

I find it likely that something similar this idea has been considered already, but I would be in favor of having RVZ2 be a primarily vertical level (since we don't have many of those) focused on getting to the top of the volcano. It would include both sections in the lava-filled inside and on the snow-covered outside, ending at the summit of the mountain, where the boss fight would take place.
If an entire ice-themed zone is made, it should be placed near the beginning of the game IMO, perhaps between DSZ and CEZ, so it winds up being rather short. After all, there's only so much you can do with modified friction and freezing water. That's why the ice level in my incomplete pack The Rift is zone 2 of 7, and I suspect it's also why Cryonic City is zone 3 of 7 in Whackjood's level collab (even though it has some extremely unique ideas for an ice level).
If an entire ice-themed zone is made
I really doubt that. If there's gonna be an ice-themed single player level in SRB2, it's probably gonna be a some kind of secret level. Or Rob's just teasing us.

After all, there's only so much you can do with modified friction and freezing water.
Don't you think that if the dev team were to make an ice level, they'd come up with a few more ideas than just modified friction and freezing water? In fact, it probably wouldn't include freezing water at all because Mystic hates that gimmick and himself for coming up with it in the first place. Same with the instakill green liquid (which I suspect has been removed from ERZ2 in 2.1 for that very reason).
I really doubt that. If there's gonna be an ice-themed single player level in SRB2, it's probably gonna be a some kind of secret level. Or Rob's just teasing us.

I find it unlikely that this hypothetical ice level will actually be created as well, so I was speaking in terms of "if it was made".

Don't you think that if the dev team were to make an ice level, they'd come up with a few more ideas than just modified friction and freezing water? In fact, it probably wouldn't include freezing water at all because Mystic hates that gimmick and himself for coming up with it in the first place. Same with the instakill green liquid (which I suspect has been removed from ERZ2 in 2.1 for that very reason).

There would probably be one or two gimmicks besides those I mentioned, but there are still so many ice levels out there that it would be difficult to make the zone feel as interesting as the existing ones.
Or you're just not thinking out of the box. It's extremely easy to come up with ice gimmicks.
Honestly I think you shouldn't bother, since his argument is a moot point anyways. There are plenty of ice levels for SRB2 already that have a variety of gimmicks and demonstrate plenty of different designs and ideas. I do not see why your ability to come up with stuff on the fly would "prove" anything. If we get around to making an ice stage, it will likely play differently than the ones that exist and have a few new gimmicks, but it's such a low priority right now that we're talking about something that might as well happen in 2020.
I do not see why [Iceman's] ability to come up with stuff on the fly would "prove" anything.

When did either of us say that it was supposed to prove anything? I was trying to say in my last few posts that I don't see a lot of possibilities for ice gimmicks that haven't already been used, and when Iceman implied that there were quite a few options I wasn't aware of, I said I would like to hear them. How does proving something fit into that?
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