taco in srb2!

taco in srb2! 2.0.taco

waluigi taco stand
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Pffft, I'm playing as a taco.

This is a very funny concept, but as others have already said, it'd be much more enjoyable if the taco controlled a little more uniquely. Maybe its acceleration would be low, meaning you had to effectively use the jump ability to move around?

Having to shift between jump and spin to use the jump ability is awkward - keep it to one button or add another jump ability to justify the mapping. I propose a taco sauce projectile - instead of defeating enemies, it'd push them out of the way!

Also of note: Some extra sprites would go a long way - for example, if you're in the air, there's no way of knowing if you're in a jump state until you hit something. Maybe the taco could spin while jumping/rolling?

All that said, I still really enjoy this. If I'm ever able to host my own sever, this would be a fun addition!
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Tacos are amazing. 10/10
Upvote 1
To me it looks like it trys to be funny, if that is the case, it doesn't succeed. I don't hate him he's just... almost boring to play as, the ability acts like Milne's (but I don't complain about abilities being similar to others, it's really good. Other than the fact the first half of it is mapped to spin, which is annoying.) While the sprites does the job, it looks very weird and bad. Otherwise this is a good mod. Though I demand a refund or I'll sue you lol.
Upvote 2
I suppose for now, its... suitable, but you really couldn't pick anything but an ability already present in the game? Even if its temporary?
Upvote 3