Sebo2205's custom HUD thing

[Open Assets] Sebo2205's custom HUD thing v2.0.1

  • fixed life counter being affected by cooplives in singleplayer
  • readded hud_bossbar, it can no longer be used to change the position however
Along with the changes i mentioned in the previous post, there's also:
  • Light theme (why)
    Use hud_theme light to switch to light theme and hud_theme dark to go back to dark theme
  • Custom accent colors (hud_color <color>)

  • Character specific accent colors (if you use their prefcolor)
    Blaze gets firecolor, Silver gets auracolor and Shadow gets skatecolor


this version is pretty much a full rewrite of the mod, so ye
it might look pretty much identical as the previous versions at first glance


air meter is now merged with ring counter and smoothly slides in/out


hud slides out under certain circumstances (super/sol transformation, hyper transformation, level exit, etc)


silver support is real1111!11!11

anyways, there's still some stuff i have to finish up before releasing this thing so h


  • srb21166.gif
    5.2 MB · Views: 302
  • Added hud_bossbar console variable, use it to change between the different boss bar modes (0 hidden, 1 center, 2 right-aligned), default mode is 2
    Screenshot from 2021-10-29 22-14-11.png
    Screenshot from 2021-10-29 22-13-53.png
  • HUD now slides in after 1.75 seconds since level load, instead of only when you start moving


  • srb20154.gif
    2.3 MB · Views: 232
  • Console variables now have the hud_ prefix
  • Added hud_lives variable, this changes the appareance of the lives counter (0: icon only, 1: icon and character hudname, 2: icon and character realname, 3: icon and player name)
  • Boss health is back, but better this time
  • Smoother 0 ring warning for ring counter
  • Speedometer now also shows your speed as fracunits per tic
  • Added player.iscustomhud as a way to easily check if a player has the custom hud enabled
  • Changed custom bars to function, the previous approach was actually kinda dumb
    hud.add(function (v, player)    if not player.iscustomhud then return end -- Return if the player doesn't have the custom hud enabled
            label = "EXAMPLE", -- The label for the bar
            color = -1, -- The color of the bar, must be a skincolor, if -1, player color is used
            value = 69, -- The current value of the bar
            valueString = "nice", -- A string to show as the value, optional
            max = 100, -- The maximum value of the bar
            widthMul = FRACUNIT - (FRACUNIT / 8) -- The width multiplier for the bar, FRACUNIT is same width as speedometer, FRACUNIT/2 is half the width of speedometer, etc
    end, "game")
    Screenshot from 2021-10-19 04-25-27.png
i uploaded the wrong file
  • Cool!
Reactions: Andres_Craft
Another update that changes nothing appearance wise (other than a few minor changes), though it adds a function

the function is: drawLabeledThing()

basically, you can add your own custom stuff in here

Example code:
hud.add(function (v, player)
    local c = player.customHudThing
    if c and c.hudEnabled and c.drawLabeledThing then
        local label = "TEST"
        local value = "H"
        -- Width multiplier
        local widthMul = FRACUNIT
        -- Video flags for the label, if nil or zero, the default ones will be used
        local labelVF = nil
        -- Video flags for the value, if nil or zero, the default ones will be used
        local valueVF = nil
        c.drawLabeledThing(label, value, widthMul, labelVF, valueVF)
        -- Put your own hud code for when the hud mod isn't available here
  • Cool!
Reactions: Andres_Craft
didn't actually work on this for a long time so i decided to release an update before releasing a new mod

this update doesn't have any visual changes, other than tails flight meter being a separate bar

also speaking of bars, added support for custom bars, if you want to add support for this mod to your character for some reason

Example bar (place inside of a PlayerThink):
if player.customHudThing then
    if not player.customHudThing.exampleBar then
        local customBar = {
            -- The style of the bar, 0 is default and 1 is small
            style = 0,

            -- The color of the bar, can be any skincolor and if set to -1 it will show the player's skincolor
            color = -1,

            -- A multiplier to the width of the bar, FRACUNIT being the same width as the speedometer
            widthMul = FRACUNIT - (FRACUNIT/8),

            -- The value of the bar, can be any number
            value = 69,

            -- The maximum value of the bar, can also be any number
            max = 420,

            -- When true, the bar will not be displayed
            disabled = false,   

            -- The skin to restrict this bar to, if nil, the bar will be shown in any skin
            skin = nil,

            -- The label shown in the bar
            label = "EXAMPLE BAR"
        player.customHudThing.exampleBar = customBar
        table.insert(player.customHudThing.customBars, 0, player.customHudThing.exampleBar)
    -- You can update the bar's value and max value in here if you want

and that's pretty much all there is to this update

hint of the new mod: blue bean
probably the biggest update out of all the previous ones lol

- Changed up the life counter, also placed it at the top right corner

- Speedometer is now at the bottom left corner so that the fps counter doesn't overlap it

- Removed boss health bar
- Added a custom intermission screen, disabled by default as it isn't complete

- Fixed HUD randomly popping out of existence
- The error when you join a server is back, the HUD should still work properly tho
Fixed the random error that happens when you try to use the HUD in multiplayer
Also added a check if the boss mobj is actually valid before using P_CheckSight
  • Cool!
Reactions: andrewmac1111