Port Forwarding via Windows Explorer

Port Forwarding via Windows Explorer

This method with Windows Explorer works perfectly. first time i port forward was late may and SRB2 players joined. when router resets i might do this method again. Best method ever!
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This actually surprised me!
Basically, i couldn't host due to not having acess to my router's wifi page but aswell, when i found this Tutorial, everything changed.
I did step by step correctly and guess what? I just began to host!
Thank you for making this Tutorial! and you people should 100% try this out!
Upvote 1
This tutorial was definetly well explained, and worked perfectly! Although it may not be permanent, its fine.
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Im do all step and my port dont set acept
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all the steps as worked. but the in the step 3 when i click ok its says "changes cannot be save" pls fix this guide
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That didn't work and it says my ip is not a public ip address
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I followed all the steps crisp clear and it never worked at all please fix this guide because my computer says changes cannot be saved and its annoying
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would probably work just fine if my router would show up. would like an explanation for why it isn't there, otherwise this is useless and doesn't work.
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It's a good and simple review, and I don't blame it for my own problem, being that I don't see my router in the Network folder, nowhere at all, this prevents me form doing anything
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10/10 guide, i didnt understand the router port forwarding method, this is much easier
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Didnt work dude
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it maked me host for 2 days but uh the next day i try it out and oopsi woopsi it did'nt worked i tryed it next week and stil i try it today its stil it did'nt work its unfair that how i just 2 days also when i add "SRB2" to the thing looks lik router after hmm maybe 6 seconds it disspaier i dont actully now why this happend but it make me feel angry
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I did everything I need but it still does not work because when I check if the server is open, it turns out that it is not because Reason: Resource temporarily unavailable :(
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OMG this also works in mexico, thx now i can play with my friends :)
and this is so simple to do, only 5 mins (take that yt tutorials)
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I can't remember my user and password on it, and it doesn't say "Properties"
You don't need a username and password for this method, and as for the lack of Properties, well, read the fine print:

"If it doesn't, then you should restart or update your computer or something, if it still isn't there then, I don't know what to tell ya :^(."
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Surprisingly actually worked. And it's much easier to do and understand than any other guides for port forwarding I've seen.
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Works easier than doing using router site
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tried this on my adtran, didn't work
"Reason: Resource temporarily unavailable"
Upvote 5
Tried this method out myself, it works perfectly!
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Thanks a lot! Now I can play with my friends!
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