LeanelXD colors

LeanelXD colors V1

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Modify: ASK ME - Maintain: IN MY ABSENCE - Others must ask me for permission before modifying my submission or use it in their own work, and I reserve the right to say no for any reason. However, if I can no longer be contacted, I give permission for my entire submission to be maintained by others.
Hello everyone, today as a first contribution I brought you some color skin that I have made and that some friends made on my PC, as a small detail I put the character that they use the most to present the colors What they did, without further ado, let's start With the extras that are there for whoever wants to use them
Sunset color clone.gif
Gray Shadow.gif
Sky L.gif

The following are made by my friends or brother or cousin, and they are:

My Friend Juan.gif

Originally with the name "AZULmetalizadoJUA".....what can I say, I didn't plan to bring it up to the message board

Unlike the previous one, this one was made by my cousin and this one remains unchanged.
Aqua Lake.gif

I made this one here based on the colors that my older brother usually uses for his characters and so on, and are you seriously still reading? Thank you, now let's move on to the last ones, which are the ones that I have created and use that are:
My First skin color.gif

My first skin color created
My Favorite.gif

An ultra original inverted purple
Based an my character clothes.gif

And this one is based on the sweater of the character in my profile photo, thank you for reading the nonsense I had to explain why I made each of the colors in the pack
  • Cool!
Reactions: Jsmoothie
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2.6 KB
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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all of these colors look very nice, and the sweater color kinda reminds me of... sans? i have one small complaint that isnt a big deal though. sky l gets lighter at the very end and makes it look slightly scuffed. other than that its amazing
Like what you said about the sweater color, I just realized that my character's clothes have the colors of sans...But hey, I'll review the sky color thing and maybe change it, but hey, thanks for the review
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