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[Open Assets] Jugador's Map Script Collection (Tags, Fricfix, No Waterskips, KMP Respawns Handler) v4 (BouncyFloor.lua release)

Releases the Wacky Workbench's Bouncy Floor script publicly because people don't know it exists. Check the OP for instructions!
The official release of the nowaterskip.lua is here. This script allows you to disable waterskipping in your map if Lua.nowaterskip = true is in your map header.

Many thanks to @indev for figuring out that this script was causing a desync. It's been fixed in this release, and the reason it's been publicly released now is because of this (and because I didn't realise how many packs were using this script).

Grab it while it's hot!
  • Context Tags: Changed contexttags_force to ctags_force due to a string hash conflict with KartMP 1.5's cvars.
Update highly recommended.