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JojahnRevival/Jonah 1.0.0

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Looks like JojahnRevival is back in another adventure in 3D! Meet the mascot of the scratch account itself, Johan! He can run on water, and run super fast! He can also homing attack!
  • srb20012.gif
    5.6 MB · Views: 143
  • srb20013.gif
    6.1 MB · Views: 146
  • srb20014.gif
    5 MB · Views: 130
  • johan srb2.png
    johan srb2.png
    82.1 KB · Views: 156
Mr. Starman
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498.1 KB
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All I have as criticism is to remove the Microsoft looking jump ball thing as it doesn't really fit with the design.
Upvote 0
... This is just Sonic, but MS Paint original character?? First Mod Syndrome. The character lacks unique abilities and better sprites. Would recommend searching up pixel art tutorials. That's all I can really say.
Mr. Starman
Mr. Starman
Hello! I am sorry for the bitmap, i used Scratch to make the characters and i made them bitmap so they can be imported.
Upvote 1
The fact that the character does not have a secondary ability can make him feel more challenging to play as which isn't overall a bad thing but limits what the player can do with this mod mostly. The rolling frames do look weird with a flashy icon showing up and the XTRAA0 and LIFEA0 sprites are off-centered, not to mention that the Super sprites still do cause warnings on the console due to their names. Should also point out that in the filename you named him Jonah instead of Johan so I guess that could be fixed in a future update? The sprites overall look fine too and the character plays well but I'd really encourage you to go wild with his abilities, can already see that you made him run on water so that's somewhat an improvement! Hope to see more from you. :)
Mr. Starman
Mr. Starman
Hi! Thanks so much for the comment. Also it could be fixed in a update, plus i'll add more abilities and make Johan super soon!
Upvote 0
Uhhh, okay i guess
Mr. Starman
Mr. Starman
he's real
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