Jason The Fox

Jason The Fox v4.8

It appears i had made an oopsie.

Im sorry.
Lua stomp apparently had a lot of issues when dealing when goop, so i have replaced it with a similar Lua that achieves the same, without giving you any Softlock by a miss input.

Also, somehow the unused sprites werent deleted??? Now they are, i promise you.
-Jason's internal name has been changed from "jason" to "jasonfox" to avoid any possible incompatibilites, making everything break.

-Jason can now infinitely jump around walls, without the penalty of losing the spin after thokking.

-His speed cap has been heavily reduced from 200FU to 72FU at max while normal, and from 407FU to 121FU at max while super.

-A New ability has been added to his Tossflag key, allowing for a better vertical control when going down.

-New Super ability has been added, giving you a turbo while pressing Tossflag on the ground, that allows you to reach 317FU at max. You cannot jump while Boosting.

-Unused sprites for previously used Lua have been deleted.
I tried to do a full resprite work, trying not to make it worse than it is, but i couldnt, so.. heres a half baked update, just with the LUA changes, im sorry..

Nuke Ability now is restricted to Super Form, and has been heavily nerfed.

InstaShield has been removed and replaced with Homing Thok.

Acceleration value has been slightly increased.

and, little bit of shadows in the "idle" and "wait" state. Sorry, i tried a full resprite, but i was unable to deliver.
Jason has been left in quite a questionable state, i tried nerfing him in several ways, yet he still always found a way to be OP or boring, so i hope this is the last rebalance i do for him, as this is how i feel comfortable the most with Jason, i hope so.. His previous version was unpractical to say the least.

Jason now can again infinitely jump around climbing walls.

Added an instashield lua (Thanks to Kats for that).

Jason's Sol form has been moved away to disable it, and transform it as an effect for his super form instead.
A new ability has been given to Jason The Fox.

He now can perform a Turbo Jump, just press jump mid air, to perform a stronger version of the jumpthok.

This ability can be combined with jason's climb spin, to climb infinitely on the same wall, without needing to speed up to another one


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a nuke (that has existed back then when Jason still had Lua before i deleted it all) has been added.
To use it, you need 200 rings and press C1 mid air
Credits to BuggieTheBug for creating the Lua i used here.

New ability has been implemented onto Jason!

Spin Climb!. Just as i stated on the description, which i updated a few minutes before doing this update post, you can now wall climb for as long as you dont thok.

(Im sorry i cant upload GIFs)