HPMod Expansion: F-Zero

HPMod Expansion: F-Zero V4

Classic mode overhaul, bug fixes, and more!

*Classic Mode's Boost Power now closely resembles F-Zero X. Activating it gives you a stronger boost than Standard Mode for four seconds, at the cost of 20HP. Acceleration is +400% during Classic Boost, since Driftboost is used as part of the visuals to differentiate it from Standard Boost Power. Classic Boost's fastline color matches your skincolor.

*Code has been adjusted to support v2 Grow recreation (coming soon alongside v2 Eggbomb).

*Speed boost during Boost Power normalized; now both Standard and Classic cap at 175% for 1st, 200% for all others.

*New visual indicator for Boost Power's Ready state. Your character will now flash for 5 tics to signal your Boost Power is ready for use. This gives splitscreen players a visual to compensate the lack of the monitor HUD. Flash color is dynamic; it is your skincolor value plus 16.

*Fixed bug where using Classic Boost at 21HP would immediately turn it off.

*-BREAKING DOWN- status does not take effect if you used Classic Boost at 21HP. It will take effect once the boost has finished.

*Getting slapped into offroad is no longer a death sentence if you've been hit by SPB or a wombo combo. Offroad damage will not apply until your flashtics are done, giving you time to escape offroad and prevent further damage.