How to Properly Loop your Music

How to Properly Loop your Music

Thank you very much!
This helped a lot :D
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This is really handy! Thanks for the Guide!
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Works well enough for people who don't understand the concept of music samples. Although if you want extra precision...

There's an alternative path from #5 which involves setting the timer to "samples". On step 6, you need to put "LOOPPOINT" instead of "LOOPMS" as the tag name, and the numbers appear bigger than with LOOPMS but it's precise, even at 44100 Hz.
Rolly Polly Pal
Rolly Polly Pal
Was not aware. I mainly followed the instructions given in the kart krew server, as that is how I initially learned how to make looppoints.
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This is super easy! I'm the dumbest of them all and I got it to work perfectly fine. Thanks for the guide, it was perfect timing when I needed this.
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Welcome to releases!
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