GTKart: one of the map packs of all time

GTKart: one of the map packs of all time 1.3

Suburban Slam:
- Finally removed the former balloon cut
- Fixed the bridge softlock
- Adjusted positioning of the pillars in the warehouse + added boost panels
- Removed some of the offroad/potholes
- Fixed an out of bounds glitch
- Fixed a boneless wall
- Miscellaneous visual tweaks
- New easter egg :threat:

Dusty Junction:
- Fixed the checkpoints (thanks EpicPro!)
- Fixed being able to mow the jump shortcut
- Miscellaneous visual tweaks

Knothole Base:
- Fixed the P2-P16 player starts facing the wrong way

For real this time,

- NEW MAP! Castle Wolfenstein (MAPOW)
- Compressed several music tracks, cutting 1/3 of the filesize
- Replaced default springs with 2.2 springs by Chaobrother

Per-Map Changes:

Suburban Slam:
- Applied a mobjscale to the map, making it larger
- Adjusted item set placements
- Removed the overpowered balloon cut :oh:
- Replaced several spring panels with spring objects
- Removed the cut through the rock just after the parking garage section
- Removed the cut after the roundabout
- Fixed a potential cut during the first spring jump
- Improved signposting on shortcuts
- Miscellaneous visual tweaks

Tropical Raceway:
- Removed one of the item sets, readjusted the others
- Added an extra boost panel during the tunnel section
- Miscellaneous visual tweaks

New Grasslands:
- Fixed a potential GBJ in the middle of the map
- Adjusted item set placements
- Reworked the cut at the end of the map
- Miscellaneous visual tweaks

Green Grove:
- Applied a mobjscale to the map, making it larger
- Reworked the cut just before the esses
- Removed a redundant cut
- Removed the random patch of offroad after the esses
- Improved visibility in several areas of the map
- Reworked the final corner, removing the spring panels
- Adjusted item set placements
- Added some more sneaker panels
- Miscellaneous visual tweaks

Palm Rock Valley:
- Visual overhaul! New rock textures, new start/finish line, and new skybox
- Adjusted item set placements

Dusty Junction:
- Adjusted item set placements

Red Rock Road:
- Adjusted item set placements
- Added a ramp just before the start/finish line
- Removed the extra item set between the two spring panels
- Added some more sneaker panels
- Miscellaneous visual tweaks

Green Hill Cliffs:
- Fixed a GBJ between the hairpin's entrance and exit
- Tweaked the glider section to better accommodate newer players, and to add a glider stop FOF
- Adjusted item set placements
- Miscellaneous visual tweaks

- Removed the localization files
- Updated Herobrine

- Fixed non-solid barriers in New Grasslands and Green Grove
- Added a little cameo to Tropical Raceway :knuxsmug:
- Updated the localization files
- Removed Herobrine