Drift Hopping

[Open Assets] Drift Hopping Version 1.5 - The Customization / Day 1 Update

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Hello there!

Have you, for whatever purpose, wanted a drift hop similar to Mario Kart's or ESPECIALLY Crash Team Racing's? No? Well, allow me to introduce to you...



Similar to the games previously mentioned, pressing Drift now initiates a small hop before you actually do a drift! Simple enough, at a first glance.

The reason the addon's tagline mentions CTR first, though, is because this little hop is more powerful that you'd think! Use it on slopes with a decent angle alongside high speeds, and you can take shortcuts unimaginable without ever needing to be fast enough for tripwires!


What if you want to enable it on a case-by-case basis though? Change the hop's height? Remove the speed cut you get per-hop (in other words, enable flamehopping)? No worries! Server admins (or just you, if you're in Singleplayer) can toggle Drift Hopping and its settings through the host settings menu, or through the following commands:
drifthop (On or Off)Enables or disables the Drift Hop entirely. Good for rounds where you want the vanilla experience for a while.
drifthopheight (1 - 50)Changes the height of the Drift Hop. Higher values are straight up jumps, so beware!
drifthopnerf (On or Off)Enables or disables the speed cut you get per-hop. Disable to bring Mario Kart 8 back with flamehopping!


This file is free to reuse and modify! The code is mildly commented at nearly every line, so if you're not a programmer, but still somewhat want to understand what this addon is doing, you can!

Overall, I hope you enjoy using this as much as I did coding it!​
Extension type
File size
3 KB
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First release
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  1. v1.5: The Customization Update!

    Hello there! This addon took a pretty long time to get accepted (no shade to any judges of...

Latest reviews

Thank you so much for making this mod it makes the drifting in this game so much easier for me imo lol.
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honestly makes a lot of the maps in this game way more tolerable for me, feels a lot less restricting with what you can do in them and it allows for lots of creative short cut maneuvers
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