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    • Julia replied to the thread Kartware _ ultimate mini game map.
      ...Sir, this is an SRB2Kart map. Not a Ring Racers map.
    • Julia replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      It's not happening today, but If I end up eating my own words, I will record myself eating a sock. Dead serious.
    • Julia replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      As for me, probably do a run of the main campaign. That's what I did when S3 Sonic released.
    • Julia replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I think there's only one truly new hud in v6 according to Kat, the hud from the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed. All the other huds have...
    • Julia replied to the thread was sonicX sonic canceled?.
      If you ask me, maybe BlueBlur just wants to keep silent to make it more of a surprise? Maybe that's why the progress thread was locked a...
    • Julia replied to the thread Drift Hopping.
      Trust me, I would LOVE to make that, maybe even expand this mod into a full CTR-esque gameplay mod once I figure out how to add more...
    • Julia replied to the thread Drift Hopping.
      Julia updated Drift Hopping with a new update entry: v1.5: The Customization Update! Read the rest of this update entry...
    • Hello there! This addon took a pretty long time to get accepted (no shade to any judges of course), and in that time, I ended up...
      • ringracers0014.gif
      • ringracers0015.gif
    • Julia replied to the thread [Open Assets] 3Sonic.
      my beloved boi
    • Julia replied to the thread Logan McCloud's WIP Thread.
      It's terrifying that you managed to replicate that walk cycle essentially flawlessly. Amazing.
    • Julia replied to the thread Logan McCloud's WIP Thread.
      He's beautiful.
    • I find it funny that 2.2 has been the current version of the game as long as 2.1 was. 2.2 to 2.3 is going to be the longest wait between...
    • Julia replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      What other descriptor would fit, really? "Post-Advance 3 but Pre-Frontiers Sonic" doesn't really have the same ring to it.
    • Julia replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      You're 100% allowed to have the opinion, but you're not playing Modern Sonic for a regular SRB2 jog. You're playing as him to see what...
    • Julia replied to the thread Lua modding help.
      That would be the Modding Help forum, I believe. https://mb.srb2.org/forums/modding-help.12/
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