Coins Cup

Coins Cup v1.21

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Are you ready for some fun?
Well you're in luck, because Coins Cup is all sorts of awesome!

Here's the list of tracks:
Orange Crate Zone (3 laps)

This map is a rather humble beginning, where all map makers start there journey.
But considering just how much fun it is, perhaps you'll be the one feeling humbled!

Farmer's Fortress Zone (3 laps)

What was once a vast farmland, the farmers working here have locked themselves in this formidable fortress to protect themselves from Eggman's wrath. (Don't they know that he's a good guy now?)
Explore this wooden vault, and the farm surrounding it!

Dead Meme Zone (Battle Map)

Wait... Is this a super cool battle map that's really fun? Heck yeah it is!
Divided into 4 segments, you'll need to use the springs in order to move across them.

Chao Circuit Zone (3 Laps)

Constructed right close by to Hero Chao Garden, this track was intended to be a super-simple track for little kids to drive around in. For some reason though, they made it the 3rd track in this cup...
That's okay though, after all it's still loads of fun, and looks real nice too!

(DISCLAIMER: This track is not based off of, inspired by, or affiliated with Chao Circuit 1 or 2 from SRB2K. They just have the same name.)

Chemical Plant Zone (2 Laps)

Drive through one of Eggman's oldest facilities, now turned into a tourist attraction!
See all the sights it has to offer, like the iconic winding roads, the Water Valley, and even a loop!

Fight Club Zone (Battle Map)

This one's 2 maps in one!
When in GP/Prison mode, you'll travel around the center well, smashing the Prison Eggs like normal.
But when in Battle mode, you're dropped right inside said well for an experience more... chaotic.

Sandy Sundown Zone (5 Laps)

At first glance, this seems like just a boring desert level. But when you play it, something will happen that will completely change your mind!

Airlines (Sealed Star)

Did you know that the Dead Line Rockets (or whatever they're called) can deal damage to the UFO Catcher? Well they can! Use those rockets (and other things) to SMASH that claw and claim your prize!!!
Special thanks to the many people who helped me out with various things in the cup. Now go and have some fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Chemical Plant Zone (NOLOOP Ver) - Moved the Player 1 Start back to the actual starting area...
  2. The Musical Encore Update

    Welcome! This is probably the biggest update I'll ever make for an addon that isn't just new...
  3. The Staff Ghost Update

    This is the first update for Coins Cup! - Added staff ghosts to every level! These came from...

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A solid first set of tracks, all things considered.

There isn't much to say beyond what other reviewers already pointed out, like Chao Circuit being claustrophobic, Sunset Sahara's filter being too strong (and debug messages).

This is very much a three-star pack for me, good, but with a lot to improve. However, the spectacle in Chemical Plant and Airlines is enough for me to warrant a fourth one. Holy shit, Airlines is so beautiful. I think it's a little too hard, but the gimmick more than makes up for it, and while I couldn't finish it, it was worth the hours of trying.

Keep up the good work.
Upvote 0
For a set of first maps, this feels solid! There's definitely some ups and downs in the pack, but overall it's fine. There's nothing particularly game-breaking, at least from my first impressions.
There are some problems I encountered which I'd like to bring up, though.
Almost all of the maps have somewhat narrow sections that have walls on both sides. If someone is hit by an item in one of these sections, it often leads to the victim being pinballed back and forth between both walls.
Minimaps also felt inconsistent: I think it might be the result of a messy minigen cleanup. It wouldn't hurt to go back and do another pass on them.
Farmer's Fortress was probably my least favorite of the entire set; the indoors portion felt very cramped and the outdoors section felt barren. It's a map of two extremes. I'd widen the roads indoors and place more items outdoors.
Chemical Plant is probably my favorite visually. Gameplay wise, it suffers a lot from the pinball effect, but other than that I don't have any major issues with it.
Orange Crate is a map where I got the joke. Like Chemical Plant, there is a lot of go-kart pinball here; and it also seems to have a similar "split paths into a dropdown" track feature in it.
Chao Circuit suffers the worst from go-kart pinball. The cave portion feels claustrophobic and I was caught off guard by a lot of the corners in the cave. The rest of the circuit is nice to drive (if a little dark.)
Sunset Saharah is the track I have the least issues with gameplay wise; it has no go-kart pinball and the layout is fun to drive. The visuals here are also nice, but the color palettes feel a little strong; I found tripwires near-invisible on Lap 5. Additionally, CPUs take respawns a lot here, so you might want to go back and check your waypoints.
Upvote 1
Writing in-depth reviews of modded racetracks in racing games isn't something I do very often, so I hope that you bear with me as I post my observations and thoughts on your tracks. For this review, I'll be categorizing my thoughts in three ways: the standard observations and thoughts, elements of tracks that I strongly suggest you change, and notes about tracks which may be contentious among players, in this exact order. As it is, I'm ranking tracks based on how they would be perceived as natural extensions of the base game, and most importantly whether or not they would be fun for people to play in netgames, but I'll do my best to be fair to tracks that are looking to break out of this mold as well.
P.S.: I'll only be ranking racetracks here (for the most part), battle stages and special stages are outside of my area of expertise! Sorry!

So, my thoughts on the Coins Cup:
This is a pretty bold start for someone who's apparently new to modding a SRB2-based game altogether. Welcome to Ring Racers mapping!
Props are in order for releasing a cup's worth of racetracks, battle stages, and even a special stage to boot, especially for someone new to the whole ordeal. As such, however, it is noticeable that a fair amount of the tracks here are amateurish, with each track getting stronger as more lessons are learned from other tracks. Though the pack as a whole is marred by the inclusion of less well-crafted tracks, there are some fun and appealing tracks to the pack's name, making it a viable choice for servers to host. I hope that you can get some worthwhile pointers from my review on the pack.

That does it for the overall summary of the review. Here are my write-ups on each of the tracks in the pack:

* Orange Crate Zone:
This is it, fellas. This is the custom track of all time. I'm not even mad this exists, I feel myself grinning like a stupid idiot.
In a vacuum, the track's layout is only mildly engaging, mostly comprising 90 degree turns and the odd changes in elevation with springs and drop-offs. There's a last-minute off-road section to make things only a bit more interesting. However, the fact this track is themed after what rough drafts of tracks people make for Ring Racers with like a day's worth of effort makes me want to vote this track online. It's even got the stock song for Robotnik Coaster playing.

Recommended changes:
* None.

Things to consider:
* The track's layout is basic and doesn't have much going for it. It relies on the track's theme for enjoyment, and not everyone will be behind that.
* The gaps down the springs forcing you to go back to them seems a bit rough on players.
* The split section can be particularly rough for players, though this may be interesting in and of itself.
* People may also not be amused by hearing Robotnik Coaster as the track's theme; a possible remedy for this is to use a remix of Robotnik Coaster instead, conveying the same idea of the track using one of the first songs in the game while still being unique to it. As of writing, I can only find a remix by Miles' Workshop, maybe that one could do?

* Farmer's Fortress Zone:
This track doesn't have particularly low points, with a nice song and serviceable aesthetics, but it likewise doesn't have particularly high points to it either.

Recommended changes:
* The minimap effectively stops having outlines for a good chunk of the track. I get what this is supposed to represent, but I don't consider this to be a good idea as it doesn't convey anything important about the layout, makes the minimap harder to see, and is inconsistent with the rest of the tracks in the game.
* The two small gaps covered by fences next to the start line gate have the potential to be incredibly annoying in races; a player could get thrown there by a spike ball in lap 3 and lose the race entirely even though it appears as though they did cross the finish line laterally, and they were very close to. I would recommend, at the very least placing the fence a bit closer to the start of the gate rather than in the middle of it.
* I recommend placing ark signs that indicate that players should fastfall for the jump on the exit of the farmhouse; not everyone will immediately get that you need to fastfall in that section.

Things to consider:
* The section that takes place inside of the titular "fortress" is full of sharp turns and is labyrinthine in nature, it can be hard to know where to go.
* Using tall grass to mark the start of off-road is neat, but in practice it blocks visibility of how much off-road there is to explore (i.e. isn't blocked by a fence), which can be annoying for players looking to cut through the track.
* The wilderness section seems unbalanced when it comes to designing track setpieces and points of interest. After exiting the tricky farmhouse, players are left to run about a large open area with some off-road for the remaining 30 seconds of the lap. Though roughly 70% of the track is spent on it, it's only interesting enough as a section that you would spend 5-10 seconds on, similar to the last stretch of Withered Chateau. This is critical enough of an issue for me to put it under "recommended changes", but it would require a large rethink of the track.

* Chao Circuit Zone:
This track is really nice! Though simple, the layout is decently fun, the visuals are pretty, and the song is good too. Using the Chao Garden music for position is also a nice touch.

Recommended changes:
* It seems bots don't trick on the trick pads. Did you forget to place bot controllers perchance?

Things to consider:
* Using Capsaicin Blues for the track even in the final release is rather odd. It's no skin off my back, inspired choice in fact, but most people would expect a more Chao-themed song for the track. Similarly, a song that isn't already used in the base game.
* The bridge having no slope physics is really jarring. The game's philosophy is to have slope physics at all* times, wherein driving on such steep slopes is a gameplay mechanic to impact races like it is playing a level in a Sonic game. I would personally change the bridge's design to something less jarring/misleading. (*While this is true, the game includes slopes without physics for edge cases where slope physics made the desired slope work improperly, mostly in cases of deliberate uphills awkwardly launching you upwards at their peaks.)
* This track has a similar issue to Farmer's Fortress where a portion of the track starts feeling uninteresting given the amount of time you spend on it. This would be the cave section: though the turns are more engaging here, the caves using the same visuals up until the very end is a negative aspect of the track.

* Chemical Plant Zone:
This is a nice track making use of the Chemical Plant Zone aesthetic. Some of the iconic setpieces of the levels are kept in and make for fun track segments. The fastfall shortcut is pretty interesting as well, decently hard even. The only concern would be the overall slightly lackluster aesthetic presentation, but that has never stopped people from enjoying otherwise-really well made tracks.

Recommended changes:
* None.

Things to consider:
* The hidden sneaker. A player can both grab this and get the rocket start and end up rather well off in 1st place. How much this will be an issue is unknown to me, and such a decision may in fact make the track more interesting and appealing to people.
* Similar to Farmer's Fortress and Chao Circuit, the underwater section can end up feeling rote.
* The springs that take you out of the underwater section are rather mean. You have to know ahead of time that the angle you're taking is good, as there's otherwise a chance to end up hitting a wall on your way out since the exit is awkwardly in the middle of a curve.
* The track basically ends after said underwater section, as you are immediately treated to a trademark Chemical Plant automated speed section. This can lead to some upsets in races as people don't expect there to be little left of the track that they can exert agency on, and the fact you can indeed mess up the automated section (by bumping into a wall!) exacerbates this.

* Sunset Saharah Zone:
You're not going to fool me, I can see your debug messages. :testyourshit:
This is probably the best track of the bunch. The layout is fun and the presentation is fantastic. Glad to have a track with palette cycling per lap.

Recommended changes:
* I would recommend increasing the contrast between the road and off-road due to visibility issues.
* You should add that little picket to the tripwires, like you did in Chao Circuit.
* The item blocks block the incoming cacti a little too much. I recommend placing the item boxes a bit farther ahead. You could even place them preceding the turn for maximum cacti visibility, though whether or not you want to telegraph the cacti entirely is up to you.

Things to consider:
* The custom palettes are harsh. Though the intention of the map is clear, I'm not sure if it's a great thing to use monochromatic game-wide palettes for tracks in the game, as it reduces general visibility of the game itself.
* People are going to complain about the cacti. Especially if the visibility issue mentioned earlier isn't addressed.
* Once more, this track uses a song in the base game. This isn't a pro or con. That being said, I don't really know what else is as hype as Knuckles' Mirage Saloon theme.
* Actually, maybe you shouldn't be naming this Sunset Saharah[sic] if you're going to use a spaghetti western song.


* Dead Meme Zone:
It's a bit weird this track is, aesthetically speaking, entirely disconnected from the thing it's referencing even in its name. Playing this track on the Prison mode in Grand Prix felt rather bullshit as I could not immediately tell how to escape the square I was locked in, the gray springs were just too tiny and gray for me to see at any point.

* Fight Club Zone:
I can't comment on the map as a battle stage itself, but playing this map on Prison mode made me feel like an idiot. I love it.

* Airlines:
This is an interesting one. I'm pretty sure the special stages are supposed to take on aesthetics too old for airlines to exist, but I don't really know about that myself. The layout here seems rather linear compared to the base game special stages, and the ending bit seems rather grueling. Not that I'd know, since I didn't beat this one...
Upvote 1
A mixed bag. Some maps are alright, others need a lot of work.
- Orange Crate
I understand that the theming here is intentional, but it makes for a poor first impression. Even without this aesthetic though, there are some difficult turns which make the experience even more rough.
- Farmer's Fortress
Not bad, but the middle chunk of it is unengaging. There should be a (relatively simple) obstacle or gimmick instead of the road being nothing but rings.
- Chao Circuit
I think this is the best map in the pack. It's cohesive and has good enough pacing.
- Chemical Plant
Fun in theory, frustrating in execution. It's very hard to run through a lap without falling into a hazard.
- Sunset Sahara
A simple but sweet course. By the questionable standards of some vanilla maps, it's not always a bad idea for a course's layout to be easy. I appreciate the Sunset Wilds gimmick in it, too.
- Battle/Prison Maps
I don't have anything to say here. This mode is not my specialty, and nothing about these maps felt egregious.
- Sealed Star
Out of all the Sealed Stars I've played, this one is the hardest. This may seem like a compliment, but the ending flight section is the "bad" kind of hard, annoying me whenever I fail it. Please consider toning down that part.
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