- What permissions do you give others to modify and/or maintain your submission?
- Modify: ASK ME - Maintain: NO - Others must ask me for permission before modifying my submission or use it in their own work, and I reserve the right to say no for any reason. No, others may not maintain my submission, even in my absence.
- I made sure my file(s) follow the Submissions Guidelines
- Yes
- I named my file(s) correctly (see Filename Conventions)
- Yes
ADVISORY WARNING: Includes blood and gruesome depictions of characters! May also cause Seizures!
Merry Christmas! V6.4 is here with a ton of additions, changes and fixes!
This version includes the following:
- RED is now fixed (Wasn't able to kill you instantly if Gmom_Char was loaded)
- Added Christmas to TDF! (Separated TDF Hangout and Christmas as maps)
- Added 20 more emblems to TDF Christmas (Now 100 Emblems in total)
- Updated some textures (Some textures were low quality due to SRB2's compression)
- Cleaned up a ton of code
- Fixes some music's audio quality
- Removed unused textures
- TRICKY hides within all 6 acts of TDF. Can you find them all?
- Replaces all of the flowers in TDF Hangout (Over 1000 flowers)
- Some emblem hint's have been reworded.
- Fixed some artifacts in TDF Hangout and Christmas
- TDF Hangout's skybox has been overhauled
and many more changes!
Thanks for supporting and playing the mod!
To get announcements' when I update TDF or other mods, join my Discord server!
Dylan's Addon Server: https://discord.gg/p9aJJhh479
Recommended Setup:
OpenGL - Doesn't Matter
Shaders - ON
3D models - Doesn't Matter
First Person - ON
All Credit belongs to Spinsnazo for creating such a wonderful addon and getting me into SRB2 and the modding scene
Ported by Dylan (dylansahr)
The Black Castle Map by Glass_Teeth
Coding, Bug Fixes, and Help by RedBlueSpector, SpectrumUK
Coding, and help from Amperbee, DylanDude, Monster Iestyn, Othius, Voidy2246, MIDIMan, SpectrunUK
Beta Tested by Spinsnazo, Josue, Jetrus, Alternative, Funky Duck, Sparkette, That There Vincent, LexTheGamer95, Dusk The Gymnure and many other people when hosting.
Spinsnazo, Josue, Sparkette, Jetrus, Funky Duck, Alternative, Brandon, Glass Teeth, Disrupted_Vessel, LexTheGamer95, Mr. Guy, Uon, Power Boost, Ashura, Speed, Kit Kat, Dusk the Gymnure and everyone else who I have played with on the Master Server whenever I hosted, Thank you! You guys wouldn't have made TDF the way it is without you guys.
Merry Christmas! V6.4 is here with a ton of additions, changes and fixes!
This version includes the following:
- RED is now fixed (Wasn't able to kill you instantly if Gmom_Char was loaded)
- Added Christmas to TDF! (Separated TDF Hangout and Christmas as maps)
- Added 20 more emblems to TDF Christmas (Now 100 Emblems in total)
- Updated some textures (Some textures were low quality due to SRB2's compression)
- Cleaned up a ton of code
- Fixes some music's audio quality
- Removed unused textures
- TRICKY hides within all 6 acts of TDF. Can you find them all?
- Replaces all of the flowers in TDF Hangout (Over 1000 flowers)
- Some emblem hint's have been reworded.
- Fixed some artifacts in TDF Hangout and Christmas
- TDF Hangout's skybox has been overhauled
and many more changes!
Thanks for supporting and playing the mod!
To get announcements' when I update TDF or other mods, join my Discord server!
Dylan's Addon Server: https://discord.gg/p9aJJhh479
Recommended Setup:
OpenGL - Doesn't Matter
Shaders - ON
3D models - Doesn't Matter
First Person - ON
All Credit belongs to Spinsnazo for creating such a wonderful addon and getting me into SRB2 and the modding scene
Ported by Dylan (dylansahr)
The Black Castle Map by Glass_Teeth
Coding, Bug Fixes, and Help by RedBlueSpector, SpectrumUK
Coding, and help from Amperbee, DylanDude, Monster Iestyn, Othius, Voidy2246, MIDIMan, SpectrunUK
Beta Tested by Spinsnazo, Josue, Jetrus, Alternative, Funky Duck, Sparkette, That There Vincent, LexTheGamer95, Dusk The Gymnure and many other people when hosting.
Spinsnazo, Josue, Sparkette, Jetrus, Funky Duck, Alternative, Brandon, Glass Teeth, Disrupted_Vessel, LexTheGamer95, Mr. Guy, Uon, Power Boost, Ashura, Speed, Kit Kat, Dusk the Gymnure and everyone else who I have played with on the Master Server whenever I hosted, Thank you! You guys wouldn't have made TDF the way it is without you guys.