Would like to know thing number for mysterious sprites...

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Dark Warrior said:
...That long? Why was no thing data written for them, then? o.O
Probably part of the 1.09 initiative to include all art aspects we have in the WAD, and just forgot to add a thing #. That's why there are all those old textures in srb2.srb, despite the fact that we don't use most of them.
Ah, well that explains it a bit. Though it also surprises me that no one noticed them until now. Should have ran a check through the files before releasing them for unused graphics. =P
SSNTails said:
FuriousFox said:
Actually, looking through SOCEdit, it looks like you wouldn't be able to SOC it. There's no sprite number for DSWE, so you can't do it unless you put the sprites into a new wad with one of the freeslot sprite names.

Can't you change the string of a sprite name?

i.e., "F001" to "DSWE"

I think you can...

And sorry, this can't be in 1.09.4a, because adding another object would break SOC compatibility.

What do you mean?

And it's a BETA. We, as ''Srb2 Beta Testers'' should expect crap like that, lol. Just sayin. It wouldn't be too hard to update our SOCs to compatibilitise.
Because sound lumps are supposed to start with DS. So all lumps that start in DS will show as sounds, despite the fact that they aren't. Try saving them. You'll see that XWE will try to save them as BMPs. Now, why the editor's programmers haven't fixed that is beyond me. That's actually how I stumbled on to these. They displayed as sounds and that grabbed my attention. But anyways, just change the lump types to 31 (or appropriate type, pending graphics you want), and you can see them.
Yes, that was confirmed when I first pointed these out in SRB2Fun about a week or so ago, before this topic was made.
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