Build 8
I've still been actively working on OCZ, even though it probably seemed I wasn't. But, I waited for there to be enough changes before publicly releasing any new content in any form. This is the time.
SCREENSHOTS: I have some screenshots of the zone here:
CHANGES: Some of the main changes I've made were texture choices, adding of more detail and some more secrets including another token and emblems for each of the three characters, a few thing placement changes, and a boss feature in the level. A changelog is provided at the end of this post.
THE BREAK-UP: Because more features in the level have been added, there is considerably more lag in the newer version. I usually play at a resolution of 1280x800, and framerate counter, though not really accurate, goes down to around 15/20 FPS. Testing the level at smaller resolutions such as 640x400 doesn't give as much problems with lag, however. I've attempted at splitting the zone into two acts, even though I really insisted I wouldn't; but, it would help a lot for my beta testers to control themselves in the level, and to have a chance to get to the exit. The original "full" version, you may say, still will be counted as the main version, the real "high-end" rendition. The "split-versions" will be the mid-end (split without any detail cuts) and the low-end (split with some detail cuts).
With this break-up in the zone, as the level designer, some areas may feel can use some work that couldn't have been done in the full version. There could've been multiple routes, now that the extra space in the canvas provided more possibilites. But, remember that the break-up is just the original zone, but split into multiple acts, and adding more routes in the break-up will cause the versions to be considerably different.
I'm still in the process of testing the level and finding unforgivable bugs I'm able to fix. There are some issues I can't fix, or don't know how to fix, I've also listed below to accompany the changelog. Please read over the changelog and look over the screenshots when you can, and if you do, I would really appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have. Thanks!
# The purpose of these changelogs is for the beta testers to see what has been changed so they know what to expect,
# and for everyone else to see how much and what has changed since the level's initial release.
# ^See Known issues
# Build 8, Version 1.6, "The Private Pre-Big Fix Release" changelog:
# *Provided an alternative, the SPLIT VERSION (Zone is split into separate acts): MIDEND will be the original split, LOWEND
# will be the split with detail cuts
# *Added EGGMAN and its own effects to the level
# Updated MAINCFG information to reflect some changes
# New Level Emphasis feature: will be the Subtitle in the final version of the zone - will hint to the player how
# tokens may be collected with Sonic... all hints are cumulative, as is education: in the successive zone, you may
# have to use the hints from former zones, as well as that of the current one, to collect token
# Updated Level Select screenshot
# Added ocean and cave sound effects and birds over the ocean
# Obvious teleporter switches have been replaced with zoom tube activators^
# A couple of zoom tubes have been made to go through existing areas of the level for extra scenery
# Textures throughout the level have been modified to provide a more "2.0 feel" and a better icy-cavern feel
# A couple of incorrect textures have been fixed
# Took out the annoying script that was activated upon level load
# Slightly modified mountain area
# Added a few starposts
# Disabled forcecharacter
# Added a "cave-in" after the second falling rocks area (Starpost #5)
# Added a zoom tube in the area to compensate for the blocked entry into the next room
# *Heavily modified the ocean cove by cutting part of it down to relieve most of nasty texture bugs
# Added and changed means of climbing the ocean cove
# Replaced zoom tube with a rope pulley
# Additional scenery can be platformed upon to allow for multiple ways of entering the cavern
# Gargoyle in cove is now needed for something... (part of SECRET AREAS)
# Brightness levels in the first falling rocks area have been changed in the crumbling blocks area to show which
# platforms crumble (assumed warning signal)
# Added a couple of arrows underwater to aid in getting out - existing up and down arrows now scroll upwards
# or downwards
# Changed sky of a few areas
# Added MANY secrets throughout the level mainly to make areas less bland
# Slightly changed means of getting a token (part of SECRET AREAS)
# Added many effects of the temple switch (part of SECRET AREAS) to provide some "mystery" within the temple caverns
# Added cave rocks (scenery)
# Fixed friction problems
# Fixed missing crumbling sound that plays when the house crumbles (part of SECRET AREAS)
# Raised speed of a couple of zoom tubes
# Fixed texture issues with the one way bustable block
# A zoom tube area with a brightness level of 255 have its lights darkened to 208
# Disabled thunderstorm weather
# Added emblems for each character and methods for getting them (part of SECRET AREAS)
# Existing wing logo in level replaced with a monitor (part of SECRET AREAS)
# Fixed waterfall texture issues in the final falling rocks area
# Modified half light blocks in the final falling rocks area so that it gets darker sooner above the pit
# Added another emerald token and means for getting it (part of SECRET AREAS)
# Added friction to some areas with snow to slow down player movement
# Ensured stability of zoom tubes^
# Provided warning signs showing which water pools hurt the player
# Added springs under the third starpost area to ease escape from death from the cold water after activating starpost
# Made cracks on the ground in selected areas (these are also death pits)
# Fixed water block that was missing colormap
# Fixed areas that needed water but didn't have it
# Removed the invisible, solid FOF in the first cave area (originally meant to prevent Sonic from using the rising
# rocks as elevator as the easy way through), but in turn, raised the rocks 32 FU
# Fixed minor sector effect faults
# Made the water bed in the small cave of the second zoom tube back a death pit
# Added CAMERA script to ease platforming (and ECHO message upon level load for more information)
# Checked "Block Monster" flag for areas without flying robots to prevent Crawlas from falling off cliffs^
# Deleted a few robots and rings
# Added/Modified a few monitors
# Took out the crumbling ice block in the center of the ice platform after Starpost #5
# Added current to streams at the final cave area
# Added platforms as life savers for the long river in the cave (Starpost #4 - Starpost #6)
# Deleted a few column supports in cave
# First crumbling rock platform in the first cave area is now a plain old shadowcasting FOF
# Bottom of current pipes are now deathpits
# "Connected" some neighboring areas originally obstructed by thok barrier to unify areas in cave
# Music will be sped up when the player busts open a Super Sneakers Monitor (will be fixed in v.2.0.5)
# Few gargoyles aren't pushable anymore
# Deleted the invisible teleport sector on temple switch and added a zoom tube nearby (part of SECRET AREAS)
# Added a few more springs in the ocean at the end.
# Known issues (as of SRB2 v.2.0.4, OCZ1 Build 8 v.1.6):
# Some floating, bobbing platforms floating on water FOFs that rise and fall perpetually seem to float by themselves,
# in midair, when the height of the water reaches a certain level (see DARK UNDERGROUND PATH).
# Few rendering errors with the textures throughout the level.
# The level lags terribly in netgames. Try the level in single player first, and then have fun in the netgame. If
# necessary, play at a smaller resolution.
# There is no blockmap in this level due to its size. Therefore, Crawlas may randomly fall over cliffs. Using
# "Block Monster" flag may resolve the issue, but areas with flying robots will also have them affected. In addition,
# you may collide into walls and seem to go through them a bit. These walls are walls knuckles can usually climb, but
# can't due to this fault. These were not intended to happen, but levels this huge will have such problems.
# Switches, when pressed, lowers the zoom tube pipe. However, at times, you may not enter the zoom tube automatically
# as intended unless you move around in the pipe.
# Direction of upward and downward currents are not intended
# Super Sneakers issue
If some of the changes in the log don't explain much, just point them out and I'll elaborate on them. If anything seems redundant, please tell me about them too.