Wizard Model Edit (player.zip) OpenGL

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<Insert Blender Model Here>

Why does that image remind me so much of Blaze? Lol.
I'm guessing it's Metal Sonic, judging from the two pictures you posted.
Heres my attempt at a sonic model...
no, that's the next gen model there, i've already done my sonic, but the computer died, is there anyway of getting files of my computer?
ok, i have no idea whatsoever on how to add this file, so far when i type any of that stuff in the console it just says unknown command! whadda i do!?!? please help!
darkness claw said:
ok, i have no idea whatsoever on how to add this file, so far when i type any of that stuff in the console it just says unknown command! whadda i do!?!? please help!
You follow the instructions on the first page, go into openGL mode, then type GR_MD2 ON in the console. And all of this could have been solved before by reading.
How 'bout we link you to a working set? Go back to about page 32...or 23... or whichever. Aw forget it I'll bring the link here.
onyx said:
Forget it, Ive read and read and read but nothing has helped me
Step 1 Create New Folder, name it, MD2
Step Two, create a MD2.TXT put in the code "PLAY player.md2 3.0 0.0" save it, then rename to MD2.DAT, not MD2.DAT.TXT
Step 3, put in the model and texture in the md2 Folder, and make sure they are the same name as the one you put in the MD2.DAT
Step 4, Open up OGL Mode and type in the console, GR_MD2 ON
Step 5, go into play, if you are too n00by, it should still be sonic, but if you did it correctly, you should be the model
sonicfreak94 said:
If you made it, "THATS FREAKING AWESOME!". But if it's next gen sonic "Nice.". And I'm assuming you made it, right?

I got that one from my sonic team friend!!!

And just for fun,


Its HypermysteriousShailvonic122311!!! Or Masterhms122311 for short...

(Hmm what color should it be?)
We are always chatting about the gameing world, and she also told me I might be able to get an actual job at sonic team as soon as I graduate, or maybe even sooner!

The master emerald shattered for the umpteenth time, the three hedgehogs with shards unknowingly pierced into there flesh, and Knuckles, unaware of this of this, tried to restore the master emerald, then sonic, silver, and shadow, with the shards inside of them reacting to the others, fused together in a freak aciident, thus in a flash of green light, MasterHMS123311 was born...(those green things on his forehead are the shards...)
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