For those who are looking for the latest "public" release of Mystic Realm 2.0 port:
Moderator Notice:
If you want to make a release, put it in editing(as a beta) or releases. In both cases, you need permission from Mystic to do so.
Ezer'Arch's note: as asked by moderator, I won't release "betas", including outdated ones, on MB anymore until we get it 100% done and have proper permission. Wait a bit more.
All levels are playable, but MR enemies and bosses aren't working.
Current port state
Currently, the port process is almost finished:
- all levels: ok
- all MR objects (enemies and bosses, sprites and SOCs) are working.
- textures and music: ok
- gamedata, secrets/unlockables and emblems: ok
- saving system: if you finish the game at AGZ4, SRB2 can turn the save slot into "COMPLETED", but if you have 7 emeralds and go into PAZ1, SRB2 can't save the progress at all until you get the MRZ and, still, SRB2 can't "COMPLETE" the save slot. This means, if the game crashes at MRZ, you'll need to start over playing from AGZ1.
- EggCrystal (MRZ boss) still needs some fixes/enhancements. I suspect someone gave the boss a lobotomy. It's possible to defeat him in 10 seconds, too bad.
That's all.