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What program did they use to make this game?

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The prismatic angel said:
What program did they use to make SRB2?I want to make my own sonic game 2!Could someone tell me PLEASE???????
Dev-C++ for compiling the project. Notepad, Wordpad, Microsoft Word, Dev-C++ or whatever else you use for editing text documents can be used on the .c and .h files.
zck2020 said:
Why doesn't Sega recodnize the potential of this game and it's makers?

We're talking about the people who made Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). ...Need I say more?
Dark Warrior said:
zck2020 said:
Why doesn't Sega recodnize the potential of this game and it's makers?

We're talking about the people who made Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic the Hedgehog (2006).

Well that didn't go anywhere(new sonic games suck).
Dark Warrior said:
zck2020 said:
Why doesn't Sega recodnize the potential of this game and it's makers?

We're talking about the people who made Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). ...Need I say more?

Wait, so you're saying SSN, ShadowHog, yourself and ect. helped make those games?

Sprout said:
Sumakima said:
What I'm am saying is that 10% of the community is not n00by. 90% is.

Where am I then?

im a noob,and i take it well.If im a noob,why i should say that im not one? well im a noob but not a liar.Im not only a noob,im a g33k too.

your a noob if you dont type properly, post garbage ( well im about of going it so ) and if you said "i like pie/cookie/chuck norris" well your one
I would just like to point out that you all have this percentage thing skewed. This is more like it.

50% of the community consists of younger, ignorant (!= stupid) online users who don't understand why they can't hang out or roleplay on the Master Server, or don't know what else would be a good way to do the things off of the MS. They might be hanging out in spite of rules because they're bored, don't care, or are lonely and have no friends in real life. This fifty percent also can't understand some parts of the wiki, which might hint that it should have parts rewritten so that younger viewers can understand some of the terms, such as "sectors" and "thing types".

40% of the community goes to the forums, and ridicules the fifty percent. They don't understand why the fifty percent can't just follow the rules or read the wiki. They also think saying "kthnxbai" is witty, and I can't stress how much it's becoming a cliche.

6% can distinguish properly between the two majorities and is actually trying to do something about the whole mess.

4% just couldn't give a damn.

Happy New Year, SRB2MB.
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