The prismatic angel
What program did they use to make SRB2?I want to make my own sonic game 2!Could someone tell me PLEASE???????
Blue Warrior said:It was based off of Doom Legacy's source code, edited mainly in C++. Srb2.srb were edited with your average wad editors, and most of the music was created originally in midi format with a midi sequencer (such as Anvil Studio), then recorded in a Yamaha XG midi synthesizer.
The prismatic angel said:Ok editing this game sounds easy and I've got team of 4 if u include me so give me a link here.
I think he's talking about the fact that nobody seems to realize that "The prismatic angel" is (far away form seriousness) just playing Troll...Sumakima said:This topic pretty much spells out the IQ of the community (well, most of it, like 90%.)