You can put it up in Editing for reviews.909090hey said:I use srb2db, but then again, i suck at making levels so..... i wish i could release my beta level.
Sounds like an awesome program. Too bad it's on closed beta.ZarroTsu said:If you're not content with SRB2DB, you could try SRB2 Workbench - sort of like Doom Builder and WadAuthor's lovechild.
Workbench has an edit-all funtion, Doom Builder does not, and is type-specific editing. Which can be tedious to swap between.
Then again, Workbench has type-specific editing too, it just happens that workbench has no 3D mode, to compensate. (Things can't be TOO awesome. Except ERZ2.)
fawfulfan said:Out of curiosity, where do you GET SRB2 Workbench? I can't find it.