What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

fr, like i said this fight is all so dumb over JUST A WEBSITE.
and about portlegs and the ws
thats what makes the WS unique (in not a good way)
skybase and wadbase are dead, mb and gamebanana some of us get bored of the mods
but workshop is unique for having portlegs (like i said, not a good way)
A website which has drawn valid criticism for doing something the community has long disliked. Also, the Workshop is not unique, other forums have popped up with more lenient rules than the MB, and they all faded into obscurity. The Workshop will be no different.
fr, like i said this fight is all so dumb over JUST A WEBSITE.
and about portlegs and the ws
thats what makes the WS unique (in not a good way)
skybase and wadbase are dead, mb and gamebanana some of us get bored of the mods
but workshop is unique for having portlegs (like i said, not a good way)
we honestly should just make another thread about this.
we've already covered this page 1-2 and i feel like we're just wasting time
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I don't know if you've noticed but

You've made that point in a post on the internet. Everything here is a website. Should the discussion of pirating old games that are hard to come by not exist because those pirated ROMs are hosted on "just a website?" Is it okay to forge art because its "just a piece of paper?"
I don't know if you've noticed but

You've made that point in a post on the internet. Everything here is a website. Should the discussion of pirating old games that are hard to come by not exist because those pirated ROMs are hosted on "just a website?" Is it okay to forge art because its "just a piece of paper?"
not like that..
this game is a fangame.
i feel like you guys act like this game is just an art community.
i understand crediting, theft and stuff but like i said. this is all for another website.
also, this is a fangame inside of a community. what if sega turned against us and removed STJR and SRB2?
what if the person who made mods (2.1 and/or older) left the MB for good? can you really call it portlegging anymore?
also, why is theft even counted here, i know reusability and shit but theft is literally a crime. and this is a fangame. not a real deal. the true "crimes" are games that cost money that are using sonic characters (that aren't owned by sega)
at this point STJR should be lucky that they didn't get a DMCA from SEGA (like i said, if they turned against us).
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if portlegs are theft, A LITERAL CRIME IN A FANGAME COMMUNITY, then isn't STJR theft to SEGA? because STJR = "Sonic" Team Junior.
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me when i'm sad. :(
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If anything, it seems like everyone here has already managed to discuss everything there was to discuss about the website.
It was made by at least one disgruntled person over some stupid shit who decided that disrespecting author wishes would be really funny.

What? They aren't theft. It makes you a shitty person because you're porting (port) something in a way not intended or not endorsed by the original author (bootleg), but that's about it.
what if the person who made mods (2.1 and/or older) left the MB for good? can you really call it portlegging anymore?
It depends, if the person who left the message board doesn't wish for their stuff to be removed even in their absence then yes, it is an unauthorized port. The new questions that the board shows when submitting addons cover this by asking if they'd like their work to be maintained/modified, just maintaned, maintaned only in their absence or not maintained. If someone looks to port something that precedes these new questions then an effort to contact them should be made. This post goes more into detail about it and it is a must read in my opinion if you wish to port someone's work if the situation shows to be that.

i feel like you guys act like this game is just an art community.
Can't say that an art community is less diferent than an modding community, they both create, look for feedback on their projects and want their work to be credited if used by someone else. The issue presented here with the Workshop is mainterance of older mods without the consent of the people who made those mods or concern of them ever wanting their work to be featured in future releases, if they're credited then it doesn't really come to theft but rather disrespect to them. On this forum, we provide the users a choice about how they want their work to be treated around here and it really comes to them only, we're just trying to respect people's wishes here.
if portlegs are theft, A LITERAL CRIME IN A FANGAME COMMUNITY, then isn't STJR theft to SEGA? because STJR = "Sonic" Team Junior.
i love seeing this argument because if it held any water at all then there would be no SRB2 to play, because sega would've issued a cease and desist twenty years ago
there's no use saying it doesn't matter just because it's a fangame, that's not a "gotcha" move. even if their work is for a fangame, it's still the artists' work.

i feel like you guys act like this game is just an art community.
also yeah it's not just an art community but like it's a community built off of modding lmao modding is an entirely creative process
I feel like the best way to define the SRB2 Workshop is like an anarchy server for games. You can do whatever you want, no real restrictions, none of that. It's there solely for an area of more freedom to do whatever.

As for portlegging, portlegging is a touchy subject on its own, but in my opinion, I feel like the term of a "portleg" is harshly overexaggerated. As people would usually expect, porting something over to a new version can take time. Especially when said new version has done a complete overhaul like 2.2 did. For those who don't want to wait, they can try porting it themselves, and who knows, it may turn out to be one of the best ports ever! But it would still be classified as a "Portleg."

In terms of thievery and respecting the creator's wishes, yes. I do agree on that part, but, as many have pointed out on the subject before, what if the original creator stopped being active? Or what if they left SRB2 altogether? The reason why people bring these points up is no one always has the time to constantly wait for verification. One smart way of doing this that I've seen from other communities is if one modder is gone for a long time, another may be allowed to port and even do qol changes to their original work. (With credit, of course!)

To try and sum it up easily, a portleg is only good, when it's done right! You can't simply just switch a color palette to a new color palette anymore, and you can't just do whatever you want either. If the modder is still active and willing to talk, ask them if you can port. If they have been gone for a long time, you should be allowed to port. If the modder declines, then that is that. If they said no, that's their response.

To anyone who might want to port old maps to new versions, I recommend you try and get in touch with the modders if you can before you start. That way, there can be less complications in the future.

One last thing I want to end off here, and excuse me if this starts controversial, but modding isn't exactly a full on art form. Yes, you do a lot of work for it, and yes, you should get credit for the work you did for a mod, but you should not be claiming that this is all just an art community. This is a sonic fan game community that happens to have a lot of indie artists. And you know what, good for you! Good for all those people who want to try and bring some creativity in this world (Especially with AI shit we really need that).
But, for mods and respecting the creators wishes, the best thing you, the people who help keep this at boat, is stop unnecessarily butting in when you don't need to. Doing that makes you act like corporations and higher ups this generation and such dislikes. Only butt in if it gets serious. We don't need you to speak for us. As someone who has been part of this community since around 2.1, and has practically grew up SRB2, it's safe to say that not everyone needs your help. You're wasting your time on earth constantly checking how everyone is doing, when you don't need to be. If someone is struggling, help them. If they are not, then leave them alone. If you really want to help the modders out, don't constantly try assisting when they don't want it.

I hope this message not only helps you in the long run, but also helps your community. While I might not be as active anymore, I'm still here to see this through. Because I love you guys. Some of you have obviously been here longer than I have, And I'll give respect to those who have really been active. Spriters, Coders, all that stuff. I just wanted to express my opinion, and while it may not be the appropriate thread to do so for the last part, it is something that should be said, as other oldies probably feel the same way.
And once again, thank you devs and such, for continuing to keep SRB2 alive. :)
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But, for mods and respecting the creators wishes, the best thing you, the people who help keep this at boat, is stop unnecessarily butting in when you don't need to. Doing that makes you act like corporations and higher ups this generation and such dislikes. Only butt in if it gets serious. We don't need you to speak for us. As someone who has been part of this community since around 2.1, and has practically grew up SRB2, it's safe to say that not everyone needs your help. You're wasting your time on earth constantly checking how everyone is doing, when you don't need to be. If someone is struggling, help them. If they are not, then leave them alone. If you really want to help the modders out, don't constantly try assisting when they don't want it.

Cosigning on this part specifically. I have to keep telling people "Are you the author? Are you the author's friend? If not, then why are you reporting this? Do you even know if they care or why they care? Or that they didn't give the permission?"

All things which should be common sense, but people get all overzealous.
Let me tell the story of a little AAA publisher named Bethesda. They released a game recently, and I've been enjoying it. But I'm not about to talk about that.

Bethesda has garnered a lot of criticism for the last few years for releasing games in buggy states, overpromising and underdelivering, and charging for select mods through the Creation Club system. Everyone knows Bethesda games thrive with mods. It's half the reason why people play their games, and Bethesda, fully aware, has left their games open for modding. They launched their own modding avenue, Bethesda.net, for more quote-on-quote "secure" delivery for mods, but in reality it's just for consoles. For PC, you can get mods from a variety of resources, such as NexusMods. In fact, Bethesda games are consistently at the top of Nexus. The point I'm trying to make here is that if a big, hated AAA publisher like Bethesda doesn't put hurdles on where you can get and use mods, atleast on PC, why can't STJr do the same?

If STJr has fell to a point below AAA publishers, maybe it's time to reconsider some strategies.
"Ask first before using a non reusable mod." So I assume that literally every modder or artist on the mb has asked Sega to use/make characters from their ip.
Why does everyone keep parroting this argument? It's been explained enough times already. Sega itself is perfectly fine with fanworks of their IPs as long as people don't make money off of them. Respecting artists and their works is a completely different thing and rests on simple interpersonal decency. It really isn't difficult.

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