Was it a bad Idea?

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Emblem Radar Ready
I just recently saved in Doom Builder wile having the same file open in XWE. Was it a bad Idea to save there then save the main config while having both open?
If you're going to save changes using Doom Builder, it would be wise to close XWE first. Otherwise, it will get all crabby and continuously make pop-ups stating that the file has been modified and that you must close XWE to prevent corruption.
Didn't get those popups with xwe. Insted I got different ones from doom builder.

doesn't matter now as I'm back to where I was at when the file corrupted.
Ooo... Man, that XWE is so bad in those aspects... You can't have another thing open... Sometimes it gives you a completly stupid error... In fact, It shows me an error when I try to add a certain image to my scr_seasidehill wad! It's just the ground texture... How is that for stupidity?
You know what sucks about XWE? It saves everything automatically and doesn't have an undo function.
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