Uninspired mods nowadays?

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Sorry. I didn't mean to, I was just wondering why. I didn't mean to say I didn't want to engage in it anymore.

Yes, they both are. But it is clear the thread maker (no offense) isn't taking his time to say things.

You just looked at a bunch of mods that were:
A) Made for fun
B) Made to be fun
C) From beginners
D) Suppose to be funny

It's obvious that even with saying "but I didn't mean to", your attacking modders who are trying to make mods for fun.
I'm just gonna put in my quote, no way I'm saying it again.
oh my god
how many times do i have to re-state the fact that im not attacking anyone for yall to understand that???

Also, just because it's "made for fun" and "supposed to be funny" doesen't mean i can't express how much i wish for more creative mods.

Double also, nice job at avoiding all of my points and cherrypicking things that really aren't too relevant. I'm not going to judge a mod with rose-tinted glasses because its a "new project made by a newbie also for fun". I'm going to give it honest and valid criticism.

I swear, i don't get why people are allergic to constructive criticism.
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Don't believe sonic has line eyes and muscles. I feel like I made Soap a far enough departure from the "Sonic OC" to make him his own recognizable character, like the details mentioned before
He does have a point, that guy could absolutely bench me with no issues.

Jokes aside, i think it'd be cool to give him a bit more things that add to his personality, yknow?
not attacking anyone for yall to understand that???
Just because you said "im not attacking people" doesn't mean you aren't.
Also, just because it's "made for fun" and "supposed to be funny" doesen't mean i can't express how much i wish for more creative mods.
You missed the point. My point is that you attack mods that you don't like.
I'm not going to judge a mod with rose-tinted glasses because its a "new project made by a newbie also for fun". I'm going to give it honest and valid criticism.
Then where is the honest and valid criticism??? Because I don't see it at all.
I swear, i don't get why people are allergic to constructive criticism.
?????? What????? What your saying isn't constructive criticism. What your implying is basically that you hate "low quailty" mods, and so you try to attack people who made those mods for it without trying to break MB rules, and when someone calls you out for it, you just try to correct them, only to be wrong again.
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I swear, i don't get why people are allergic to constructive criticism.
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personally i prefer criticism, helps me make better mods
Just because you said "im not attacking people" doesn't mean you aren't.

You missed the point. My point is that you attack mods that you don't like.

Then where is the honest and valid criticism??? Because I don't see it at all.

?????? What????? What your saying isn't constructive criticism. What your implying is basically that you hate "low quailty" mods, and so you try to attack people who made those mods for it without trying to break MB rules, and when someone calls you out for it, you just try to correct them, only to be wrong again.
You acknowledges that the mods are made by newer players.
You understand that the mods have flaws.
Don't get pissy with me for calling out those flaws.
It's valid criticism to say that the mods are uncreative.

Also, i never said antyhing about hatred. I don't hate any of these mods. If i did, i wouldve said a lot worse things with a lot less of a care for what they have to think.
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I'm not attacking anyone. I've clarified multiple times that I'm merely stating my opinion.

Here is an instance of me being incredibly friendly to one of the creators of the mods that i said i "hate".
Why would someone who "Hates" these mods go out of their way to give credit to the person who created what they hate? Nothing ive said indicates anything near hatred, not towards the mods, or anyone here. I've actually complimented the person i've been arguing with most once or twice, so you tell me how thats hate.

I didn't blatantly say "I'm not attacking people." I actively apologised and reasoned with the people who either were offended by what i made, or didnt entirely understand my point. Stop playing victim, grow up.
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personally i prefer criticism, helps me make better mods
super duper sorry but im going to use this as a point

(also that guys an absolute W mans)

Is it not that obvious that I essentially did what this person did, just without the extensive detail?
We both made sure to clarify that what we were saying wasnt made with negative intent, and that we were simply being honest. What makes him and I different aside from me being more simplified and shortneed with my response?
Not really the sprite, but the concept. Another mod i really enjoy is the OVA sonic mod. The spritework is unfortunately kind of really bad, but i love playing the mod because i can see the effort and work put into making it. Before you say it, the OVA sonic mod isnt just another rehash either. It's unique in the case that theres only one mod that adapts that version of sonic, and they play almost nothing alike.
You predicted wrong what I was going to say. Instead, I am going to say something like:
What do you mean by "the concept"? Taking for example Takis since that's the most familiar example I have, what's wrong with its concept? You don't like Antonblast, or seeing games be recreated?
Please elaborate.

I was pretty specific. I gave multiple examples of mods that essentially all blend together as uncreative and lazy. (No offense to the creators ofc i love yall) "uncreative" as in they don't really add much that other mods dont, except in a bit of a worse way if you ask me. and "Lazy" as in their spritework and overall concept isn't too interesting and unique. "Wow! Sonic but he's a girl! Tails but he's drawn in MS Paint!" It just isnt that unique or interesting.
See? Now we're getting somewhere. After being prompted to talk, you have started giving more useful feedback, like "the spritework is lazy" and "the overall concept isn't too interesting and unique".
That's mere inches better than "it's uncreative", but not particularly useful if the author were to look at it since you're still not going further than that.

You seriously can't look me in my eyes and tell me that these characters are all that creative
Creativity can come from rehashing or reinterpreting something. You don't need to make a whole character from scratch just to be able to use the "original" label.
Take for example fan art. Would you say Sonic fanart isn't original? After all, it grabs Sonic and turns it into something new.
Now take the same example, but instead of Sonic, it is his brother Coldsteel the Hedgeheg. Now it's Sonic, but purple. Still original fanart!

If you can't understand why i find the mods that i sent "Uncreative", then maybe you should stop looking at the names and look at the actual concepts.
I never look at mods by their name, I judge them by gameplay.
Names can be absurd and so can their "concept", whatever that is for you, but the "PeePeePooPoo mod" can totally be something groundbreaking by doing something new or very interesting with the game.

Which is why I can't understand what's "uncreative" by your own words. It makes no sense considering that at least a third of them do something unique with the game or have an interesting moveset. That's creative to me.

What's with that sentence at the end?

Please dont make me scroll back and get the screenshot of you saying that i'm insulting the mods. I really don't want to have to point this in your face.
Go ahead.

If you call a piece of food bland, then you can accurately assume that its because it lacks spices, sauce ect.
If you call a piece of food uninspired, then the food clearly isn't unique or distinguished enough to be any different from the other foods.
And that's particularly why calling a piece of food "bland" with no other descriptor can be useless. The chef has to guess or appraise whether it is because it lacks spices, lacks sauce, the sauce is awful, or some other component on it.
It is worthless to call food "uninspired" when the job of food is to fill you. Unless you go in some themed posh restaurant where the job is to be as visually appealing as possible, then okay lol I guess that's fair

For example, you could call fast food fries incredibly uninspired, because most major fast food chains (excluding chick-fil-a i love that stuff) have very similar straight fries with very little difference.
now that's just being a huge pain in the ass, even if it's just an hypothetical

The rest of the fries analogy is more of what you've already said, so I don't think it's useful to have two of the same point in the same post.

One example is Speedster sonic. It's an incredible mod that i've had a lot of fun with, despite having the regular base sprites.
Another example is Frontiers sonic. It's another really good mod (one of my favorites), and also uses the base sonic sprite with minimal differences.
I don't get how are those good by your standards, then you see Takis recreating a game and that's not creative by your standards.

please i beg of you look at any of the modded characters i sent in my ORIGINAL POST. "WhAT pARt of ThE MoD is UnCREaTiVE?"
hmm maybe its something i said in my original post as well!
I have looked at them. I have read your original post. That's why I'm here, repeatedly knocking on the points you make.

"I know modding really isnt for everyone, but all of these characters are just low-effort remakes of the main cast"
oh lookie here! the answer to your question, hidden in broad daylight! in fact, it's so brightly and easy to spot that it might just be like the sun!
You are constantly using the same circular feedback everytime I try to ask clarification from you.
And when you DO give me an answer, you sprinkle it with vitriol out of nowhere.

"What is uncreative?" "Low-effort remakes"
"What is low effort?" I haven't been given an answer to this yet.
"What is uninspired?" The answer I've been given was with an analogy about food, but not in the context of mods.
"What is low quality?" I haven't been given an answer to this yet.

Stop throwing random words and give me an answer.

Basically, bad advice is still very useful, but either way my advice wasn't bad either, so you tell me how that works.
Bad advice can use useful. Useless advice, not so much.

"Add more flavor, like a Pokemart or something."
This feedback sucks a bit since I wouldn't know what the hell "flavor" is, but at least the entity "Pokemart" gives you an idea that the map is missing buildings.

"Off-brand littleroot town"
This is useless feedback. How is it off-brand? Because it looks like littleroot?

So wrapping back to your feedback,
"It's uninspired"
"It's low effort"
"It's uncreative"
This... is useless. Even more than the off-brand comment. There's nothing to go off of. These are just adjectives with no noun following them. Best you can do with this is guess, or somehow have context to what brought that up.

Your "bad advice" is more useful than what you're giving out.

You REALLY need to stop with your shtick of using characters you don't like as examples of what you don't like and then apologizing for it. I would rather have you face your own opinions instead of backing down everytime, since you're clearly going to do it again, and in the same unelaborate way as before.

And if you still can't, then it seems that you're too close-minded to be worth getting carpel tunnel.
im gonna tone it down, but for the love of god please dont actually read what you type before posting it. it makes my job of debunking what you say a lotttt easier when i can just point to my original post and be done with it
also, i did do my research. what about you?

What is your damage? Are you trolling?

You should also stop your shtick of giving me labels like "angry", or "offended", or "close-minded", or practically replying to me like I'm missing something that you find "obvious" when it's painfully obvious it is not, like with the quotes above. Really infuriating that one of the ways you choose to defend yourself is with ad-hominems when I have done nothing to warrant it.

lemme fix that

"If you don't like something, leave it alone". especially if it doesent effect you. I don't get why your first response is to report it, as if i'm doing anything wrong smh.

also, i did do my research. what about you?
Jesus almighty, I know that I write things wrong sometimes, but you don't have to constantly assume bad faith and TAKE ME OUT OF CONTEXT everytime you do. I hope it's you misreading my message by rushing through it instead of maliciously doing what you do.

"If you don't like something, report it" was meant to be phrased in a way that if something is to be reported (flaming in general, off-topic things, spam, the works), then to just report it instead of saying it out loud.
The "do your research" part is the unintended way of interpreting my message.

I will make sure there's no more hyperbole from me going forward so this doesn't happen again, which means I will no longer engage in or make analogies, since that's clearly not working with you.
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It's valid criticism to say that the mods are uncreative.
It's valid. It's also useless to the author.

Is it not that obvious that I essentially did what this person did, just without the extensive detail?
We both made sure to clarify that what we were saying wasnt made with negative intent, and that we were simply being honest. What makes him and I different aside from me being more simplified and shortneed with my response?
The guy in the screenshot gave several points about why the character is unbalanced.

Your feedback is just
"it's low effort"

After doing some research, which you should try sometime, I actually learned that Takis is in fact a character coming from another reference, just like Sonki. So, any statements i made about Takis are mostly invalid, and i apologise for the lack of understanding on my part
(Also you should try apologising for the mistakes you make as well!)

You predicted wrong what I was going to say. Instead, I am going to say something like:
What do you mean by "the concept"? Taking for example Takis since that's the most familiar example I have, what's wrong with its concept? You don't like Antonblast, or seeing games be recreated?

Please elaborate.

I honestly never heard of Antonblast, so i truly can't say how much i like or dislike the mod depending on it. I don't like it's concept because it's simply not that interesting. Though, this is probably due to my lack of knowledge. Instead, question me about any of the other mods that i listed.

See? Now we're getting somewhere. After being prompted to talk, you have started giving more useful feedback, like "the spritework is lazy" and "the overall concept isn't too interesting and unique".
That's mere inches better than "it's uncreative", but not particularly useful if the author were to look at it since you're still not going further than that.

Ugh.. I hate having to dumb it down.

So, i obviously stated that i don't like the sonic/tails recreations, right? We all read my first post (can't wait to be proven wrong) and we all know what my points are. "The overall concept isnt too interesting and unique" is quite literally just what i said in the TLDR, and how i stated to want more creative mods and looking for that "Creative spark". If that's not clear enough, then i've never shy'd away from explaining it further. I'm not expected to hold the mod creator's hands and tell them "You see, this is uncreative. You should do X instead!" Any competent reader should be able to understand that me saying that something is "Uncreative" means that they should put the work in to make it more creative. It's not creativity if im just spoonfeeding them ideas and over-explaining everything more than they need to be. I really didnt want to make a whole essay on the mods that i dont like, but here we are.

Creativity can come from rehashing or reinterpreting something. You don't need to make a whole character from scratch just to be able to use the "original" label.
Take for example fan art. Would you say Sonic fanart isn't original? After all, it grabs Sonic and turns it into something new.

Now take the same example, but instead of Sonic, it is his brother Coldsteel the Hedgeheg. Now it's Sonic, but purple. Still original fanart!

You're really good at putting words in my mouth that i never stated. I never said that they need to make a new character, and i even stated multuple mods (OVA, Hesse, and Speedster) that aren't a new character. I'm not looking for originality, i'm looking for creativity. A Tyson hesse rendition of sonic isn't original, but it's creative in the fact that it hasnt been done in the SRB2 modding scene before.

Despite you going crazy off-track with fanart, i dont think you actually understand the words you're reading or typing out.
Grabbing something and turning it into something new isn't what i'm looking for. If that were the case, i'd be gushing over soulles ripoffs. It doesent matter what the character is, as long as they do something innovative and new, then i think it's great.

Read what i say before you barf whatever nonsense this is.

"Go ahead."

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Woah!!! Who could have seen this coming!??

And that's particularly why calling a piece of food "bland" with no other descriptor can be useless. The chef has to guess or appraise whether it is because it lacks spices, lacks sauce, the sauce is awful, or some other component on it.
It is worthless to call food "uninspired" when the job of food is to fill you. Unless you go in some themed posh restaurant where the job is to be as visually appealing as possible, then okay lol I guess that's fair

God, this whole section is so flawed.

No matter what, calling the food bland is still advice. sure, they'd have to guess what they need to fix, but thats
1) Not the job of the consumer to point out
2) Actually very simple
Plus, even if they guessed wrong and it was actually the spice instead of the sauce, they're still imrpoving overall and learning new things about their cooking, or in this case, modding.

"I have looked at them. I have read your original post. That's why I'm here, repeatedly knocking on the points you make."
Im just going to put this whenever you start lying about viewing my original post.
"Which is why I can't understand what's "uncreative" by your own words. It makes no sense considering that at least a third of them do something unique with the game or have an interesting moveset. That's creative to me."
You dont understand? You dont UNDERSTAND??? I quite literally worded it out in the simplest way imaginable. I said they were Uncreative because they were remakes of the original cast, which was in the original post btw.

You are constantly using the same circular feedback everytime I try to ask clarification from you.
And when you DO give me an answer, you sprinkle it with vitriol out of nowhere.

"What is uncreative?" "Low-effort remakes"
"What is low effort?" I haven't been given an answer to this yet.
"What is uninspired?" The answer I've been given was with an analogy about food, but not in the context of mods.
"What is low quality?" I haven't been given an answer to this yet.

Stop throwing random words and give me an answer.

Let me fix this for you

1) Remakes of the original cast that are lazy in terms of design and ideas.
2) Because they are lazy and lacking in designs, ideas, creativity, ect, they are in fact low effort.
3) Actually, i did reference the Tyson hesse mod, Speedster mod, and the OVA mod prior, but i guess you forgot to read that.
Just to clarify, i want a mod that is creative and/or unique, and adds something new to the experience.
4) Low quality and low effort are essentially the same. I personally can't see the effort that came into making most of these mods.

Bad advice can use useful. Useless advice, not so much.

"Add more flavor, like a Pokemart or something."
This feedback sucks a bit since I wouldn't know what the hell "flavor" is, but at least the entity "Pokemart" gives you an idea that the map is missing buildings.

Going back to what i said before, they're not required to tutor me on what to do. They tell me to find unique ways to make my town stand out, and i did. Sure it isn't the best advice but it helps me learn how to make my maps more notable and better without relying on a tutor.

If you don't know what flavor is, then thats your problem to fix because its YOUR work.
Just like with my argument, If they don't know what "uncreative" or "uninspired" really means, then maybe they should try working to fix that issue.
See, this is actually one of the best ways to learn because it not only teaches you how to learn without the reliance of others, but it also gives you a motherload of experience via trial and error.

I didn't go super in-depth for a reason, and that's because having someone hold your hand and show you what to do is the worst way to learn, and i want the community to grow and become much better.

"Off-brand littleroot town"
This is useless feedback. How is it off-brand? Because it looks like littleroot?

OH MY GOD HE ACTUALLY USED HIS BRAIN!!! This is what i'm talking about. Even though the comment was overall vague, you still figured out what the issue was, and properly assesed it! Now with your newfound knowledge, you can make your town (or mod in this case) a lot more unique and better!

And sure, being specific is technically a lot easier than what i just did, but again, it's not mine- nor theirs- to point things out in a hyper-obvious manner.

You should also stop your shtick of giving me labels like "angry", or "offended", or "close-minded", or practically replying to me like I'm missing something that you find "obvious" when it's painfully obvious it is not, like with the quotes above. Really infuriating that one of the ways you choose to defend yourself is with ad-hominems when I have done nothing to warrant it.

Okay, then stop giving me labels of "Insulting", or "Attacking" lmao.

And yes, you are missing the obvious. When my statement is in the original post, then it's very obvious. In fact, i've been using my original post to make references and reasoning this whole time!

You REALLY need to stop with your shtick of using characters you don't like as examples of what you don't like and then apologizing for it. I would rather have you face your own opinions instead of backing down everytime, since you're clearly going to do it again, and in the same unelaborate way as before.

Okay.. so im not allowed to "attack" the mods... and i can't use them as references in order to prove a point... And i'm also not allowed to apologize for the things that i find either rude or wrong...

the hell do you want me to do???

"erm yes i dislike sonic reskins. which ones? uhhhh i cant say i dont wanna be mean"
The fact that you even suggest this is honestly proving to me how illiterate you are with writing in general. I'm allowed to use examples. That's how you make a point. And i apologised because i can see how someone would feel offended by me using their mod as an example. How does that make me a bad guy?

Jesus almighty, I know that I write things wrong sometimes, but you don't have to constantly assume bad faith and TAKE ME OUT OF CONTEXT everytime you do. I hope it's you misreading my message by rushing through it instead of maliciously doing what you do.

"If you don't like something, report it" was meant to be phrased in a way that if something is to be reported (flaming in general, off-topic things, spam, the works), then to just report it instead of saying it out loud.
The "do your research" part is the unintended way of interpreting my message.

I will make sure there's no more hyperbole from me going forward so this doesn't happen again, which means I will no longer engage in or make analogies, since that's clearly not working with you.

"I said this, but i actually meant something else"
My question is, how on earth was i supposed to infer that? You made no gestures to any of your examples. There really isn't much flaming, but if you want to count my sarcastic banter then
1) I'm sorry if it offended you, i do tend to be very competitive
2) You'd be just as faulty as me because we're both doing it at this point

Secondly, nothing stated here was "Off topic", so you can let me know how i was supposed to figure that out
Definetly no spam here either.

When you read 'If you don't like something, report it" with the amount of context you gave me, well then you read it as it's written.
And i countered your argument of silencing with my own opinion; to just ignore it.

Anyways, please re-read my original post before commenting more lousy paragraphs for me to read, because honestly my brain hurts from trying to understand where you got this from.


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I've been seeing the "Just make your own mod", and it really is such a bad argument imo. Imagine having this mindset towards other things.

"Dont like the U.S healthcare system? Just make your own!!!"
It isnt fixing anything, and you're really not proving anything.
Okay, maybe I was taking this too far. but it can be true at times, mostly not. But other people in the SRB2 community do this to themselves anyway. It's just nowadays, some people usually do this to FORCE them into just doing themselves for once.
And you KEEP MISSING THE POINT!!! The point is that no one gives a shit about your preface that you don’t intend any insulting or offense. It’s the nicest way to put it. What people do care about is the actual contents of what you write. Please for the love of god take this into consideration. As you love to do, here’s an example. A lady walks by me on the street. I don’t like how she looks. I say “no offense, but you look ugly as shit.” It’s still offensive and insulting. No matter what you preface your arguments with what really matters is what you actually say.
Oh boy, big words for a little man
I dont care if you don't care about what i have to say. If you don't care, then don't interact. Nobody's forcing you to be here, and this isnt a thread you started.

Secondly, if people care about the contents of what i write, then why wouldnt they care about my multiple messages about how i love mods and am not trying to offend anyone?

Thirdly, your example is very very bad. A more accurate example would be
"A lady walks by me on the street. I say “With all due respect, your style is kind of bland.”
Now sure, it can be a bit insulting. Nobody likes being criticized, but it's also honest and (possibly) truthful. Your example still sucks tho, so i'll do you one better

"I go to a bakery and take a sample of one of their cupcakes. I look at the chef and say "Hey, i love cupcakes, but these cupcakes feel a uninspired and sloppy."

This actually works as an example because
1) Accurately displays creating something and then having it be criticized
2) Mildly insulting, but mostly filled with positive intent (like my post was)

I don't think they're shit, and would never say they're shit. Why? Because i know how hard it hurts to have something you created get treated like dirt. I specifically worded my original response to be as kind, yet straight foward as i can.
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Okay, maybe I was taking this too far. but it can be true at times, mostly not. But other people in the SRB2 community do this to themselves anyway. It's just nowadays, some people usually do this to FORCE them into just doing themselves for once.
Hey, dont worry about it. I did try and make my own mod a few times and it was hellllllla confusing too lol.

Your point about them making the mods for themselves is also really accurate.
I know how it feels to make something you really love (but ultimately isnt as good as other projects), but nothing would make me smile more than to have someone give me genuine criticism over my product.
If you don't know what flavor is, then thats your problem to fix because its YOUR work.
Just like with my argument, If they don't know what "uncreative" or "uninspired" really means, then maybe they should try working to fix that issue.
See, this is actually one of the best ways to learn because it not only teaches you how to learn without the reliance of others, but it also gives you a motherload of experience via trial and error.

I didn't go super in-depth for a reason, and that's because having someone hold your hand and show you what to do is the worst way to learn, and i want the community to grow and become much better.
You literally made the thread seeking agreement on what you thought were "uncreative mods" and not a soul in 3 pages of thread agrees with you so far.

People are here trying to get blood out of stone by asking you what you mean to find a sliver of common ground and meaningful feedback that can actually help the community grow and ultimately all you have to say is that you don't really know and that it's not your job to clarify.

This is not obvious to most people, but just because you have criticism to give it doesn't mean you're entitled to be listened to. When it comes to a community of passionate creators like SRB2, you have to get people to actually care about your opinion, and by Jove you are doing a terrible job.
Trust me when I say I'm trying my best to both
A) Understand your point
B) PRY your point from you
but holy shit you are not making it easy. Like, at all.
You're giving me a walk around the park or repeatedly hurling insults for no reason.

Like, what the fuck is this?
After doing some research, which you should try sometime,
(Also you should try apologising for the mistakes you make as well!)
Ugh.. I hate having to dumb it down.
I really didnt want to make a whole essay on the mods that i dont like, but here we are.
You're really good at putting words in my mouth that i never stated.
Despite you going crazy off-track with fanart, i dont think you actually understand the words you're reading or typing out.
Read what i say before you barf whatever nonsense this is.
God, this whole section is so flawed.
You dont understand? You dont UNDERSTAND??? I quite literally worded it out in the simplest way imaginable.
Anyways, please re-read my original post before commenting more lousy paragraphs for me to read, because honestly my brain hurts from trying to understand where you got this from.
You know this is not how normal people talk to each other, yes? This is borderline narcissistic, if not fully.
Like trying to act like a snarky protag from some virtual novel you read.

And I take it that this is your attitude from the start. You aren't exactly looking for people to discuss with you, you just want to throw your dogshit opinion around, help nobody and get no consequences over it.
I can't think of you as being in good faith here, since you're insulting me over trying to get answers from you. I tried thinking of it as being multiple misunderstandings but it has become clear that there were no misunderstandings. You're legitimately not invested in discussing this, and did the absolute minimum effort to "progress", and by progress I mean the equivalent of scrapping a wall with a spoon.

You have to be trolling.
You can't be this intellectually dishonest over being pressed.
You could've just told me at the start of this page and saved yourself minutes of your time.
You seriously can't look me in my eyes and tell me that these characters are all that creativee.
These characters drool with creativity that you've clearly not shown in a grand total of 14 rant posts lmao. First thing you think to do on your fresh new account is to whine about people uh... *checks notes* ...drawing Sonic-shaped characters in a Sonic game.
As you can see, it's simply just "Genderswap of Sunek". I already cited my references, what more do you really need?
Imagine being so dead set on being right that you use "This person has a consistent art style" as proof of uncreativity. Like you may as well call Amy a pink Sonic or Luigi a green Mario. It's not a substantive criticism if you're not willing to dig deeper into the book than the cover.
I swear, i don't get why people are allergic to constructive criticism.
Nah bud, you just can't cook criticism. People only get sick with your criticism because it's like absurdly raw and pink on the inside.
Imagine being a chef and asking someone to give a more in-depth analysis of why they dont like their food?
You'd not make it as a food critic with this statement.

It's honestly pretty clear to everyone involved you've lost the plot about how art works so it's best we close this discussion before it gets nowhere fast. If you want to properly criticize anybody's add-ons, the reviews section is open to all. But do note that we do in fact have a rule in our forums about constructive criticism and are willing to act on any time you act in bad faith.

I hope you have a pleasant night.
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