Trouble with Colormaps for Water.


Whenever I try to add colour into water, any adjacent linedefs also get coloured. Even above the water level. Characters will also be coloured when jumping over the water. this has happened on multiple of my maps, and from what I have searched online, I seem to be the only person with this problem. here is a picture of the effect:

Here are the values for the corresponding sectors and linedefs:

The level's water pit sector values are:
Ceiling Height: 752
Floor Height: -210
Height Offset: 0
Special: 0
Tag: 2

The Water Control Sector's Values are:
Ceiling Height: -128
Floor Height: -242
Height Offset: 0
Special: 0
Tag: 2
Linedef: Sector Index: 305
Action: 120 (water opaque)
Tag: 2

The Colormap Control Sector's Values are:
Ceiling Height: -72
Floor Height: -128
Height Offset: 0
Special: 0
Tag: 2
Linedef: Sector Index: 331
Action 606
Tag 2
Upper #40A0FFJ

I also get an error message in Zone Builder that says this:
Missing sprite lump 'NTPNALAR'. Forgot to include required resources?
Could this have something to do with it? I don't get any noticeable bugs from it otherwise
I am using version, on Windows 10
I appreciate any help.
The water linedef and the colormap linedef have the same tag, that's why the colormap goes above the water. You need to change the tag of the water control sector and the colormap linedef, so that the colormap is only tagged to the water.

I also get an error message in Zone Builder that says this:
Missing sprite lump 'NTPNALAR'. Forgot to include required resources?
Could this have something to do with it? I don't get any noticeable bugs from it otherwise
I am using version, on Windows 10
I appreciate any help.
This happens because of an outdated configuration file. Updating Zone Builder to version 2.14 will fix this issue.
The water linedef and the colormap linedef have the same tag, that's why the colormap goes above the water. You need to change the tag of the water control sector and the colormap linedef, so that the colormap is only tagged to the water.

This happens because of an outdated configuration file. Updating Zone Builder to version 2.14 will fix this issue.
Both problems have been solved. Thank you!
Hi! reviving this topic because I cannot for the life of me fix this!!!!
So I am facing a similar issue(on the latest version of the zone builder no less) and changing the tag of the colormap fixed it yay :wonderful:
Basically the colormap only affects the sector3 ceiling and nothing else
But now I dunno what to do because I have no idea how to apply two tags to the same sector so I have to compromise whit either having water or having the correct shade on the sector :/

pls work you pos.png

Sector3 (the water hole) :

sidedefs: 6
ceiling: 1024
floor: -144
Height: 1168
Tag: 5
Sector 2 (FOF 123 water) :
sidedefs: 3
ceiling: 64
floor: -152
height: 216
tag: 5
Sector 4 (FOF 606 colormap) :
sidedefs: 3
ceiling: -16
floor: -120
height: 104
tag: 5
upper and middle textures on the front side have both the same value : #6FA8DC
Hi! reviving this topic because I cannot for the life of me fix this!!!!
So I am facing a similar issue(on the latest version of the zone builder no less) and changing the tag of the colormap fixed it yay :wonderful:
Basically the colormap only affects the sector3 ceiling and nothing else
But now I dunno what to do because I have no idea how to apply two tags to the same sector so I have to compromise whit either having water or having the correct shade on the sector :/

Sector3 (the water hole) :

sidedefs: 6
ceiling: 1024
floor: -144
Height: 1168
Tag: 5
Sector 2 (FOF 123 water) :
sidedefs: 3
ceiling: 64
floor: -152
height: 216
tag: 5
Sector 4 (FOF 606 colormap) :
sidedefs: 3
ceiling: -16
floor: -120
height: 104
tag: 5
upper and middle textures on the front side have both the same value : #6FA8DC
There is no simple (yes I know 2.2.10 added a workaround) way to apply two tags to the same sector in SRB2's regular map format. You instead need to give multiple linedefs (the two you want to apply to the same sector), the same tag. If you only want the water FOF to be affected by the colormap however, then tag it to the water FOF's control sector, not the target sector.
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