trainingzone(trainingzone.wad) my first wad

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This is a level i made that i call the training zone because there r alot of enamies and they make it fun to kill it is a little short though but plenty of rings to keep u alive if u find any errors or ways to improve it let me no heres the link

Link removed because a better one is near the bottom of the page.

this is still being made and i didnt put an ending and i no theres more i need to do
Congartulations. You made the hardest training zone ever.


No exit sector. There's just a dead end with spikes at it. Also, why's it so dark?


Too Many Jetty-syns


After hopelessly hanging on to one ring to survive, I went to the next area and got this many rings.


No thok-barrier.


Useless spring.

Please fix those.
OK then weird, not a very good training ground, and your grammer is worse then mine and I'm suck at english, no hablo ingles
Esta loco? Mi no comprehende espanol! Vamanos, vamanos, hable inglis! (I thought it was spelled Englese; of course, I've only heard the pronunciation, and that was on TV.)
Strike The Hedgehog said:
there r alot of enamies

Last time I checked, training levels were supposed to be easy and let the player get a hold of the game.

(And you spelt enemies wrong >.>)

This is a level I have created for the many players of SRB2. It's a simple training level with many enemies to make it interesting and fun. If you find ways on how to improve on this level, let me know.

Download link

This is not complete yet so there is no ending at the moment. There is still more I need to work on.
Strike The Hedgehog said:
if u find any errors or ways to improve it let me no heres the link

I thought this:

Strike The Hedgehog said:
This is a level i made that i call the training zone because there r alot of enamies and they make it fun to kill it is a little short though but plenty of rings to keep u alive this is still being made and i didnt put an ending and i no theres more i need to do

was the problem.
Well it has been a while but this level is improving.
I have added an Act 2 and Act 3 but Act 2 is still in progress so there is an end level at the start, you can explore it but it will be very glitchy and a little hard to see. I am also going to be making an easy and medium version when i get enough time. Anyways heres a link to the hard version.

Look below.
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