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Kiddytails said:
Guys, It's maybe pretty annoying that The MS is "dancing" on our Noses and teasing us with going up and down but, saying "Zomg, I want the MS backzoooorz!!1!" Won't help at all.
It maybe even makes it slower because Cue could start to rush and make Mistakes. So please, I miss Netgaming too, but I don't bother him because of it.
He has more trouble then you all think, so show Patience and a Heart and give him a little bit Time to breath.

Thanks for your Attention.

That's pretty much what Cue said on the first post =/
[18:45:53] <Cue> Ho hum
[18:45:59] <Cue> Problems with the dedi's firewall guys
[18:46:03] <Cue> It's being fixed now
[18:46:06] <Cue> 10 minutes, I hope
[18:46:08] <Cue> Then the MS will be up :D
[18:46:47] <Cue> Hang in there guys :3

[18:47:49] <Cue> As a little token of my thanks for being patient (rofl) I will soon have a 24/7 dedicated server up and running
[18:47:54] <Cue> With some nice little features >:D

More on that soon.
i can't wait for it to load back up partly because of the the wads i can find and MOSTLY because you get to have fun
flyer3f said:
5 minutes remaining ^_^

Well, this was never on schedule...

EDIT: Wait a minute, is it up again? I saw Cues server.

EDIT AGAIN: It must be! Another server is detected!
In otherwords, its back up, and it has also allowed me to host with the right port, thanks Cue.
Since the new MS, a friend of mine is having trouble hosting (please bare in mind that she WAS able to host on the old MS when it was up TODAY).

Now when she hosts her server can successfully register with the master server, however her server never appears in the list and is incapable of accepting direct connections. This has only been the case since the "new" MS started running.

NOTE: Previously, when the hosting ports were visible on the MS page, her server always has a different port number to the usual (usually in the low to mid 30000s), maybe this is significant?

Anyway, thanks and I hope you can resolve this soon.
Man, i wish i could host a server so badly!!

I'm even playing runescape!!
Well I can't connect to the master server >.>
This is in my config.cfg:

masterserver " 28900"

I have to replace it with what to connect now?
Cue said:
Yes, it is down, no I don't know how long for, the reason behind this downtime is due to the first stage in the movement to the new server. Not only have I completely revamped the MS, but the IRC Bot SRB2MS now tells you if you're caught in a banned ip range if you type !amibanned.

The MS now uses MySQL for server storage and such, when I'm done completely, I hope to have an automatic ban list that's much nicer than Logan's manual thread and such.

And yes, there will be a reporting system eventually, I just want to get the thing back up as quickly as possible.

Also, Master Server Administration Panel anyone?

The page brings up is the default cPanel page when a domain is pointed to the server but has nowhere to go from there, wait a bit while I sort out adding the domain.

Just great you had t do that, now how are we going to get on the MS we may wait like 1 month I guess...
Dark Warrior said:
Cue said:
Welcome to your first glimpse of the future, guys.

Gentlemen, this is the future. Any issues please report in this thread.

Our future is great! :D

That's odd...

SSS* please learn to read. doesn't exist, Sonic Shadow.

Need to sort out some stuff guys, I'll be chatting with the #srb2fun ops to make sure they have a way of always starting the bot up.
Cue said:
Yes, it is down, no I don't know how long for, the reason behind this downtime is due to the first stage in the movement to the new server. Not only have I completely revamped the MS, but the IRC Bot SRB2MS now tells you if you're caught in a banned ip range if you type !amibanned.

The MS now uses MySQL for server storage and such, when I'm done completely, I hope to have an automatic ban list that's much nicer than Logan's manual thread and such.

And yes, there will be a reporting system eventually, I just want to get the thing back up as quickly as possible.

Also, Master Server Administration Panel anyone?

The page brings up is the default cPanel page when a domain is pointed to the server but has nowhere to go from there, wait a bit while I sort out adding the domain.
I just got the game a few days ago and the Master Server's down? That sucks monkey balls!
The master server's down?

I don't really care anymore, as I apparantly cause lag in any netgame when I join them - like for example, when I tried to join Cue's dedicated server. I was told to go, as I was causing the lagging. I came back, since I was feeling a bit lonely. Yet again I was told to leave, and I did.

I'm not upset about this though...
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