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The Newbie Level Design Collab [ NLDC ]


a stupid person.
Say Hello To The Brand New Newbie Level Design Collab :- ( wip logo by Sonikkuboy )

(this will be one heck of a story time so just skip to the end if you get it and just wanna join)

A Collaboration Where everyone is respected.

Now You may be wondering what this is.

well from your time in the SRB2 community, you may have heard about or played the ( OLDC and ULDC ) Collaborations where mapper come together to make levels for one pack every 6 months or so. for players alike to join in and play and see what can be possible in the srb2 community and can BECOME possible.

however in my time in the SRB2 community I saw that there are a lot of levels made by beginners and newbies. that weren't respected the same way other levels were respected. I saw a lot of fights in the community asking how the hell can levels like this join. this made a lot of passionate mappers who were learning a lot and having fun with the hobby they have. lose motivation and stop working on maps. form this much fights the OLDC became a collaboration rather then a contest. knowing that its probably the best thing to do to deal with this hate and fights in the community and mappers and modders losing hope.

so this is where I come in. I thought one day. "hmm. will it not be good to have a Collaboration just for Newbies to help the community and passionate mapper"

and so I began to work to make a Collab for those who wished for it and respect others equally to make for a better community

I just wanna make it clear. the NLDC isn't just a place to respect newbies. but to help them make better levels and show them things they never known they could do.
and to make learning fun and build motivation
( telling them they suck only make it worse. to be respected. respect others. respect is earned. not asked for. )

for now this is a wip hub we been working on, The hub is still a subject to change and for now is being used as a placeholder


The Idea is each level would have an area like this themed around their level made by me
and each level would have a hint ring. the hint rings talks about the level and how it was made and how to navigate it.
it also has a dev note. a message form whoever made the level. talking to the player and telling him about whatever the dev wants to tell the player before playing the level

anyway for whoever wants to join the project/collab here :- https://discord.gg/ShsrTwPXgD
Or upload the level here. and get feadback here. tho I much recommend you make a discord account and join the server so you talk to us devs and meet beginners like you. to make learning fun

if you are ever encontering a problem while making your level. or don't know how to loop music. I would be happy to help.
as long as I'm not making the level for you. lol

anyway see you in the collab. BYE

NOTE!!! = This message is always updated to stay faithful. So if it looks different then what you remember. It may have been updated.
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Oh ya here is my discord ID if you need any help (:
I have dms open at all times so. However dont expect me to be there At all time. I can be busy sometimes
this project is still being work on. feel free to enter at any time you want (:
The Idea is each level would have an area like this themed around their level made by me
Oh sry silly me. I kinda forgot to mention this. but.
if you want to make your very own area in the hub. for your level made by you. then you can. I'm here in case you don't want to make an area in the hub.
hey if i wanna make a level for this, how would i send it?
I would be perhaps down to help out with this project.

My discord is sleepykonii!
It brings that generations vibe to ya.
ya that may get replaced with a better hub idea (:
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now just a friendly reminder. its much more recommended to make a discord account and talk about map making there. not only is it more fun but if you talk here and upload your map here it may get stolen. so again its much recommeded you join our discord
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The discord Invite is invalid/not working. I very curious to see how this collab will be handled.

Is the collab still up for new members? I like to join if its not full.
The discord Invite is invalid/not working. I very curious to see how this collab will be handled.

Is the collab still up for new members? I like to join if its not full.
yes its still up and being managed
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I like to join if its not full.
about 'full'. when we reach 15 levels there will be a deadline for the last people to join. for now there isn't any deadline. we still haven't reach our goal of 15 levels. but we are close
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