The Ghoul's Forest

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Okay, don't get confused, Logan... I just did a recreation of the original "The ghoul's Forest 2" 's map and ghoul for SRB2.. Cutmanmike is the original creator of The ghoul's Forest. Actually, Cutmanmike's Ghoul's Forest 3 is released ( :D )
Sorry if this is old, but, Nev3r has started on Gh3.wad. He hosted a server
with a beta (No ghouls) and told me to rejoin because he would upload a test
map. But... It's freakier then the mask.

He's working on 5 ghouls. One of which is a skull with freaky red eyes. May I continue?
CocoaDude said:
He's working on 5 ghouls. One of which is a skull with freaky red eyes. May I continue?
Is the ghoul in question the Jitterskull from the doom ghoul 3? It matches the description well enough.

Although is anything being added to this Ghoul 3 or is it simply the closest thing to a port possible within SRB2? I certainly wouldn't mind making the ghoul Sjas a bit faster, if just because his scare-o-factor is gone when you can outrun him as sonic with little difficulty.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! That nearly scared the s*** out of me... And I played as crawlie, so I got 2 loud, scary screams when I died....I'm never playing it again....
You know, you have to censor out the whole word. For example, if hell was a word that needed to be censored, then you couldn't say h***, only ****. Anyway, it's only scary the first time.
Nev3r said:
Okay, don't get confused, Logan... I just did a recreation of the original "The ghoul's Forest 2" 's map and ghoul for SRB2.. Cutmanmike is the original creator of The ghoul's Forest. Actually, Cutmanmike's Ghoul's Forest 3 is released ( :D )

One problem though. The wads that cutmanmike made of ghoul's forest crash when you load them...
Whackjood said:
CocoaDude said:
He's working on 5 ghouls. One of which is a skull with freaky red eyes. May I continue?
Is the ghoul in question the Jitterskull from the doom ghoul 3? It matches the description well enough.

Although is anything being added to this Ghoul 3 or is it simply the closest thing to a port possible within SRB2? I certainly wouldn't mind making the ghoul Sjas a bit faster, if just because his scare-o-factor is gone when you can outrun him as sonic with little difficulty.

I've never played Doom before, so maybe.
Metalsonicmk72 said:
No they are. I opened it with XWE. It's the maps and textures. I looked at it. I'd fix it but I can't level wad so I can't do nothing.

You are mistaken. SRB2 is built from the game they are for, DOOM. (Well, in srb2's case Doom Legacy, but meh.) Ghoul3's readme states as much.
Thank you warpshade.

That's like saying a wad for another variation of doom would work on srb2.

I Made an awesome level in Srb2 builder. But in the beggining, I accidently selected another game that the wad was for. [ You know at the part where you have to select a game that the wad is for ]

Anyway, Did you set the ghouls to "no clip"?
OK.... I played this without sound..... it was still pretty creepy.... I watched a GF trailer and the scream wasn't that scary, but the level's so dark that I'm afraid to play it with the sound. But I'll overcome my fear....hopefully.
That freaking skull with red eyes is the Jitterskull, yeah. I was just bored so I made a recreation of that ghoul... only to scare players xD Anyways, you can't kill it, and the attack isn't the same cause it's impossible to make it in soc format ;D And the original Ghoul's forest is for ZDoom.. That's why you can't play it on SRB2
somehow that scared me and sonic shoudlnt be scary lol. i was playing with darkdevil and just walking around when suddenyl that face apears.
HOLY ****! This is too scary! All of a sudden I'm walking and then i hear, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I turn around and a freaky face starts chasing me! Then i died. I almost crapped myself O_o. But i hosted this and everyones like "CHANGE THE MAP!!!! T_T". LOL that made my day. But nice wad. Oh guess what?

This could be the new n00b repelent XD.
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