"Sonic: The Chase is on!" is a short levelpack containing the six stages I have built over the few months since I began developing levels.
This is version 4.0! This is the biggest overhaul of this pack BY FAR since its original release.
A vast amount of changes were made to v4.0, including:
-A ridiculous amount of sector based scenery added to the eternally bland country dream zone
-Multiple Changes made to mediocre levels Mount Crumble and Lake Adventure
-Obnoxious gimmick in Tempest Coast Removed
-Obnoxious gimmick in Jungle Flight... made slightly less obnoxious
-CHAOS EMERALDS added to every stage! There is one on each, except for Toxic Warehouse, which holds 2.
There is currently no benefit for finding the Chaos Emeralds, but they're hidden well so finding them presents a challenge even if its just for fun.
Ok so, a quick description of the levels.
Country Dream Zone- The first level I ever built, and trust me, its evident. For those who have played the stand-alone version of this level I released you remember. In version 4.0 (out now) I pulled out all the stops and flooded this level with... stuff. I also made a few hugely expansive open sections smaller rather than filling them.
Mount Crumble Zone- I released this as a stand-alone level, but it's much better within the level pack. It's a level in a mountain pass, with water, caves, etc. It's better structured than my first level for sure, but not particularly interesting overall. 4.0 widened some passageways and added a few secrets here.
Lake Adventure Zone- One of my bigger projects, and the last level I released before this pack. The majority of this level is underwater.
Tempest Coast Zone- First "new" level in this pack. (Not ever released as a standalone) Basically, its one of Eggman's power plants perched in the cliffs above Lake Adventure. In 4.0, the annoying gimmick with all the buttons has been removed from the main path. If you're an explorer, you might still be able to find that chamber...
Jungle Flight Zone- In some ways, this is the best level in the pack. However, the fact that the character spends a good deal of time above the height of the thok barrier subjected this level to extreme graphical issues during development. If you find any more, alert me so I can try to fix them.
Toxic Warehouse Zone- In my opinion, this is the best level in the pack overall. Inside Eggman's warehouse, you must maneuver between slime, oil, and acid to track down Eggman and stop him again. This level has an unusually difficult boss at the end, good luck. Oh, and version 4.0 has left this level virtually unchanged, since I haven't really recieved any constructive negative feedback on it.
On to other matters.
Anyway, enjoy and comment so I can improve this pack! Even if you've played before, you can download again and look for the emeralds.
You may ask why the emeralds are even in this if they serve no purpose.
1. For fun
2. They serve as placeholders for secrets when I use this pack as stages 1-6 in an epic mod I'm nowhere near finishing.
This is version 4.0! This is the biggest overhaul of this pack BY FAR since its original release.
A vast amount of changes were made to v4.0, including:
-A ridiculous amount of sector based scenery added to the eternally bland country dream zone
-Multiple Changes made to mediocre levels Mount Crumble and Lake Adventure
-Obnoxious gimmick in Tempest Coast Removed
-Obnoxious gimmick in Jungle Flight... made slightly less obnoxious
-CHAOS EMERALDS added to every stage! There is one on each, except for Toxic Warehouse, which holds 2.
There is currently no benefit for finding the Chaos Emeralds, but they're hidden well so finding them presents a challenge even if its just for fun.
Ok so, a quick description of the levels.
Country Dream Zone- The first level I ever built, and trust me, its evident. For those who have played the stand-alone version of this level I released you remember. In version 4.0 (out now) I pulled out all the stops and flooded this level with... stuff. I also made a few hugely expansive open sections smaller rather than filling them.
Mount Crumble Zone- I released this as a stand-alone level, but it's much better within the level pack. It's a level in a mountain pass, with water, caves, etc. It's better structured than my first level for sure, but not particularly interesting overall. 4.0 widened some passageways and added a few secrets here.
Lake Adventure Zone- One of my bigger projects, and the last level I released before this pack. The majority of this level is underwater.
Tempest Coast Zone- First "new" level in this pack. (Not ever released as a standalone) Basically, its one of Eggman's power plants perched in the cliffs above Lake Adventure. In 4.0, the annoying gimmick with all the buttons has been removed from the main path. If you're an explorer, you might still be able to find that chamber...
Jungle Flight Zone- In some ways, this is the best level in the pack. However, the fact that the character spends a good deal of time above the height of the thok barrier subjected this level to extreme graphical issues during development. If you find any more, alert me so I can try to fix them.
Toxic Warehouse Zone- In my opinion, this is the best level in the pack overall. Inside Eggman's warehouse, you must maneuver between slime, oil, and acid to track down Eggman and stop him again. This level has an unusually difficult boss at the end, good luck. Oh, and version 4.0 has left this level virtually unchanged, since I haven't really recieved any constructive negative feedback on it.
On to other matters.
If you want to read the story, read each segment of this before playing the level is pertains too.
Country Dream Zone:
Sonic and his friends are enjoying another peaceful day in Country Dream Zone, when suddenly, one of Eggman's crawlas approaches our three heroes. Before Sonic can smash it, a hologram comes from its nose, showing an image of the evil Dr. Eggman.
"Greetings, Sonic and friends," Eggman says. "I wanted to give you a warning. I have built another great base, very, very far away, and once again my robots are wreaking havoc across the globe! Come to the promontory on Mount Crumble to meet me, and perhaps I'll spare you. You cannot stop me this time!"
Eggman dissappeared, and sonic turned to his friends. "That bad Egg never gives up," he said. "C'mon guys, let's head to Mount Crumble and teach Eggman a thing or two."
Mount Crumble Zone:
When Sonic and friends reached Mt. Crumble, they discovered the extent of Eggman's new plan. Robots were ravaging everything for miles around. "Sonic" said Tails. "Eggman said he'd meet us on the promontory, let's head there and stop him." "Way ahead of you!" called Sonic, taking off through the cliffs. Tails and Knuckles followed behind.
Lake Adventure Zone:
Eggman, defeated on Mt. Crumble, flew off over Lake Adventure, cackling to himself. Sonic became uncomfortable. "Why Lake Adventure? I hate water!" Tails looked out to the horizon, where there was an unusual glow. "Sonic," he said, "There may be a base of some sort out there. We have to cross the lake." Sonic shuddered, but our three heroes descened to Lake Adventure nonetheless.
Tempest Coast Zone:
Arriving on the opposite coast, thre three heroes discovered that the "base" was actually a power plant, perched in the cliffs. A fierce storm had blown in, but Sonic and friends rushed into Eggman's plant regardless.
Jungle Flight Zone:
After defeating Eggman again and emerging from the plant, Sonic and friends found themselves in a thick jungle.
"Great," said Knuckles. "Now what Tails?" Tails thought for a moment. "This deep jungle is a great place for Eggman to hide a real base," he said. "Let's search the jungle and see what we can find."
Toxic Warehouse Zone:
Tails' suspicions were correct. Sonic and friends uncovered a huge warehouse hidden deep in the jungle. "Eggman must be storing dangerous stuff for his master plan in here," said Knuckles. "Then that Egg has gotta be inside!" said Sonic. "Let's go!" Together, they entered the gloomy warehouse.
Country Dream Zone:
Sonic and his friends are enjoying another peaceful day in Country Dream Zone, when suddenly, one of Eggman's crawlas approaches our three heroes. Before Sonic can smash it, a hologram comes from its nose, showing an image of the evil Dr. Eggman.
"Greetings, Sonic and friends," Eggman says. "I wanted to give you a warning. I have built another great base, very, very far away, and once again my robots are wreaking havoc across the globe! Come to the promontory on Mount Crumble to meet me, and perhaps I'll spare you. You cannot stop me this time!"
Eggman dissappeared, and sonic turned to his friends. "That bad Egg never gives up," he said. "C'mon guys, let's head to Mount Crumble and teach Eggman a thing or two."
Mount Crumble Zone:
When Sonic and friends reached Mt. Crumble, they discovered the extent of Eggman's new plan. Robots were ravaging everything for miles around. "Sonic" said Tails. "Eggman said he'd meet us on the promontory, let's head there and stop him." "Way ahead of you!" called Sonic, taking off through the cliffs. Tails and Knuckles followed behind.
Lake Adventure Zone:
Eggman, defeated on Mt. Crumble, flew off over Lake Adventure, cackling to himself. Sonic became uncomfortable. "Why Lake Adventure? I hate water!" Tails looked out to the horizon, where there was an unusual glow. "Sonic," he said, "There may be a base of some sort out there. We have to cross the lake." Sonic shuddered, but our three heroes descened to Lake Adventure nonetheless.
Tempest Coast Zone:
Arriving on the opposite coast, thre three heroes discovered that the "base" was actually a power plant, perched in the cliffs. A fierce storm had blown in, but Sonic and friends rushed into Eggman's plant regardless.
Jungle Flight Zone:
After defeating Eggman again and emerging from the plant, Sonic and friends found themselves in a thick jungle.
"Great," said Knuckles. "Now what Tails?" Tails thought for a moment. "This deep jungle is a great place for Eggman to hide a real base," he said. "Let's search the jungle and see what we can find."
Toxic Warehouse Zone:
Tails' suspicions were correct. Sonic and friends uncovered a huge warehouse hidden deep in the jungle. "Eggman must be storing dangerous stuff for his master plan in here," said Knuckles. "Then that Egg has gotta be inside!" said Sonic. "Let's go!" Together, they entered the gloomy warehouse.
Anyway, enjoy and comment so I can improve this pack! Even if you've played before, you can download again and look for the emeralds.
You may ask why the emeralds are even in this if they serve no purpose.
1. For fun
2. They serve as placeholders for secrets when I use this pack as stages 1-6 in an epic mod I'm nowhere near finishing.
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