I really must admit, as someone who abandoned the series before generation 2, I probably will take far more interest in playing the game when there truly are too many pokemon for me to keep track of... When I played the game, most of it revolved around catching them all. Now it looks like its more about catching the ones you want...
Basically, Pokemon probably functions best with the system of a trading card game. You can't possibly collect them all (though you might still try), but getting the right ones for your strategy is a task that may be every bit as challenging as getting all 151 pokemon in the originals.
If I have both money and time, I might consider coming back... some friends that play pokemon might be nice. Playing Pokemon RBY in grade school was a social thing, and I miss it. While playing with you folks over the internet would be fun of course, the pokemon series would really take life for me if I could once again come into school to trade favorite pokemon, strategies, and battle.