Super Smash Bros Brawl (Label your Spoilers!)

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mikesword221 said:
Haha but really one that you can play now and for the people who didn't get to go too E for all...(Like me):(
But that was the main point of E for all. To showcase new games and such that you would normally not be able to play for a long time. Missed it, too bad. Though, you could also possibly get a beta of the game if you worked for a game reviewing magazine/site...
I think he's suggesting a flat out demo, the kind you can download over XBLA or find packed in with game magazines or other games in the series you buy in the store.

But Wii doesn't do demos, or hasn't up to this point, so it's probably not going to happen.
I could imagine them having free downloads on the Shop Channel. Some limited demos could be included, but at this point, its close enough to the release date that we might as well just wait for the game.
JEV3 said:
They are still going to have to pull an additional month of updates out of somewhere, hopefully they will have a few more interesting character releases (yes Olimar was interesting, I didn't have anyone in mind and I didn't thoroughly enjoy the 5 minutes of Pikmin I played years ago) and stages.
Interesting character releases? Yes....I know someone who should be in Brawl.... Rayman. Him or one of his rabbit friends.
Earuto said:
What you say?
"All your base are belong to us."
That was called for.

OK...maybe it wasn't called for, but still. It's funny.
Akwardly enough, Megaman(Preferably X) wouldn't be such a bad addition, if they can pull it off right. Final smash can be the 'falcon armour' giga crush from MMX5/6.

Also, Megaman(X) means Zero, whom would pwn the game >> <<
Orangelink said:
Crazygamerx6 said:
An advertisment in Japan leaked a spoiler!

The original video... is somewhere...

I don't see much spoiler, and those two pokemon pictures were ripped from official artwork, painfully and obviously a hoax.
I actually just ripped that from a video.

But it doesen't even matter now, because I just found out that the video was a hoax...
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