
I also had an idea for a buff box; When you pop it, you grow in size a small bit, and are able to break through Knuckles only breakable walls, and run over crawlas, but you are still vulnerable to shots, and you run a bit faster as well, and you can simply run over monitors to pop them. Might be interesting as a gimmick!
I also had an idea for a buff box; When you pop it, you grow in size a small bit, and are able to break through Knuckles only breakable walls, and run over crawlas, but you are still vulnerable to shots, and you run a bit faster as well, and you can simply run over monitors to pop them. Might be interesting as a gimmick!

Ever heard of this awesome mod called XSRB2? It's in Releases and it has exactly that!
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Knuckles Starts, anyone?

This could provide more possibilities for Knuckles-Only paths, such as a certain exit that only Knuckles can reach, and he starts somewhere other than Sonic and Tails.
Just like Sonic 3 & Knuckles used to do.
I also had an idea for a buff box; When you pop it, you grow in size a small bit, and are able to break through Knuckles only breakable walls, and run over crawlas, but you are still vulnerable to shots, and you run a bit faster as well, and you can simply run over monitors to pop them. Might be interesting as a gimmick!
Tried playing XSRB2?
Sphere already got to that, Metal-Rawr. :p

My opinion is this: XSRB2 may have one of those, but like it's been said before. Are you really gonna make a mod exclusively for that, for a single monitor ability? I think not. Maybe the creators of the mods wouldn't like it, but if they're ok with it, I'd like to see a lot of these features available in 2.1, if even just for easier and more available use.
So, as I was going through the wiki, I noticed the monitors image was updated...


and you're STILL using those horrid, insanely old explosion sprites? Hideous!



I suggest it be these. EDIT: Fixed up. <- the sprites for all 2.1 monitors are enclosed in this wad, and also replace the enemy explosion sprites, as they are the same (sans the monitor base of course). It even includes Team Monitors I recolored myself. The tics for monitor static have also changed, as 2.0's static rate is far too annoying with the new static sprite. Excludes 1ups however.
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I was talking about this on IRC, and I want it to be officially recorded that this idea exists.

As we all know, the Swim charability is broken beyond imagination. It's just a cheap modification of Fly. Here's what Swim SHOULD do:

1. The moment the character leaves the water, they should switch to their jump state.
2. While in water, their personal gravity is reversed and weakened, so that they gently float up to the surface (perhaps a variable in the character's skin could be used to set their density). It would have to be tinkered with so that the character doesn't actually leave the water, but just pokes his/her head above it.
3. Pressing Jump should make the player move up towards the surface, and pressing Spin should make the player move down towards the bottom. When Spin is pressed, they would also temporarily enter their attack state for a fraction of a second, so they can kill enemies.

This would actually give people a REASON to set Swim as an ability, because it would be useful and wildly distinct from any other move. What's more, the altered controls would allow level designers to play around with interesting new challenges in underwater levels, intended for Swimming characters.

If you guys do not put this in a future version, I will be very disappointed.
I was talking about this on IRC, and I want it to be officially recorded that this idea exists.

As we all know, the Swim charability is broken beyond imagination. It's just a cheap modification of Fly. Here's what Swim SHOULD do:

1. The moment the character leaves the water, they should switch to their jump state.
2. While in water, their personal gravity is reversed and weakened, so that they gently float up to the surface (perhaps a variable in the character's skin could be used to set their density). It would have to be tinkered with so that the character doesn't actually leave the water, but just pokes his/her head above it.
3. Pressing Jump should make the player move up towards the surface, and pressing Spin should make the player move down towards the bottom. When Spin is pressed, they would also temporarily enter their attack state for a fraction of a second, so they can kill enemies.

This would actually give people a REASON to set Swim as an ability, because it would be useful and wildly distinct from any other move. What's more, the altered controls would allow level designers to play around with interesting new challenges in underwater levels, intended for Swimming characters.

If you guys do not put this in a future version, I will be very disappointed.

Mmmm, I like this idea. Very nice indeed.
Bah, I know I'm gonna get bashed to death on this idea, moving on anyways...

Multiplayer in SRB2 is never something I wanna play often. Race is a thokfest, coop is just race with a different name, H&S and Tag suck, that leaves match and CTF. To me, even those two modes need their own spice-ups. So I was thinking of alt fire mechanics.

Basically, we could have a new alt fire control that could be set to any key in configuration. I was thinking of different abilities for every ring, goes sorta like this.

Redring: Default weapon, no altfire
Auto: Switch between three-shot burst and full auto.
Bounce: Haven't thought of one, sorta difficult to think of anything useful.
Scatter: Change the pattern that the rings scatter in.
Explosion: Detonate a ring that's been fired
Grenade: Again, detonate. This really helps if you keep grenades in hidden locations and someone doesn't trigger them. Gives you the ability to trigger at will!
Rail(warning: idea painfully obvious): Zoom in. I know I'll be flamed to death for this shit, but honestly, I don't think that noscoping 24/7 from a cliff and missing 99% of your shots is any fun.
Auto: Switch between three-shot burst and full auto.

That already exists. Its called tapping fire lightly.

Scatter: Change the pattern that the rings scatter in.

Part of me wants to say this could end up badly, but I can't say for sure.

Explosion: Detonate a ring that's been fired
Grenade: Again, detonate. This really helps if you keep grenades in hidden locations and someone doesn't trigger them. Gives you the ability to trigger at will!

Now this just sounds ridiculously OP. I can see this being extremely terrible in the long run. Explosion rings are powerful as they are, and nobody seems to realize how awesome grenade are (last time I checked).

Rail(warning: idea painfully obvious): Zoom in. I know I'll be flamed to death for this shit, but honestly, I don't think that noscoping 24/7 from a cliff and missing 99% of your shots is any fun.


This has been experimented with in SRB2CB back in 1.09. The result was absolutely horrible, as you're giving the game's most powerful yet hardest to aim weapon near perfect accuracy. It INSTANTLY hits the opponent; with aim, it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to avoid. Not only that, but if memory serves, Zoom only worked in OGL, giving them another advantage. Giving Rail the zoom function was one of the worst ideas, and STJr would never go through with it.

So this leaves an alt-function for the scatter that is... pretty pointless, so yeah, this idea falls apart.
Race is a thokfest,

And it always will be. This was already discussed at the 2.1 Race Beta topic.

coop is just race with a different name,

Blame the idiots who actually think coop is basically race. And it's not like everyone races each other in coop. I do actually see people getting emerald tokens and completing the level in a normal manner.

H&S and Tag suck,

These just seem completely opinionated. Believe it or not, people actually like Tag (heck, even H&S).

Also, just saying that they suck doesn't really suggest anything. At least give some suggestions on what to do to "fix" these two gametypes.

Basically, we could have a new alt fire control that could be set to any key in configuration. I was thinking of different abilities for every ring, goes sorta like this.

Redring: Default weapon, no altfire
Auto: Switch between three-shot burst and full auto.
Bounce: Haven't thought of one, sorta difficult to think of anything useful.
Scatter: Change the pattern that the rings scatter in.
Explosion: Detonate a ring that's been fired
Grenade: Again, detonate. This really helps if you keep grenades in hidden locations and someone doesn't trigger them. Gives you the ability to trigger at will!
Rail(warning: idea painfully obvious): Zoom in. I know I'll be flamed to death for this shit, but honestly, I don't think that noscoping 24/7 from a cliff and missing 99% of your shots is any fun.

Some of these ideas are quite interesting. I still disagree on some of them though.

Redring: Perfectly fine.
Auto: This idea I like. This could especially make auto ring helpful for Knuckles for once. Since auto ring just drains your rings down in seconds as Knuckles.
Scatter: Don't really see the purpose in this. The pattern the scatter is fired at it perfectly fine as it is.
Explosion: Not sure what you mean by this, exactly. If you're talking about making it detonate any time while it's flying in the air, then I would consider that overpowered. Besides, explosion is already powerful enough as it is.
Grenade: I like this idea as well. Though I don't see how it would be helpful at all since the grenade explodes as soon as someone touches it. Kind of defeats the purpose of triggering the explosion.
Rail: Type in the console "crosshair (1, 2 or 3)". There ya go. Also, rail is actually VERY powerful if you can aim good enough. It's not just based on luck.
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I have a few ideas that might be worth putting in, mostly about characters and character abilities:

Make nojumpspin and spindash seperate variables.
This would mean that characters would have the capacity to spin while spindashing, but not while jumping. This would allow for many neat spindash animations without the same thing happening when you jump.

Make it possible for characters to spin, but not spindash.
I know you can just set maxdash to 0, but it looks rather strange when you press spin while standing and your character is just stuck spinning in place. This would be done by having maxdash = 0 mean that nothing happens at all when spin is pressed while standing.

Make it possible for characters to have two seperate abilities.
This would allow for further character customization. The second ability would be activated by pressing spin rather than jump while jumping. Abilities could also be combined in some cases, like how Super Sonic can thok in mid-fly. This would allow the player to use one ability while the other is active. To compensate, characters with two abilities would not be able to spin or spindash and would be unable to use the power of the Whirlwind or Armageddon shields.

Tone down the power of the Super Sonic Float.
At least in non-super characters. This would be done by placing a time limit on the float, determined by actionspd. For every 12 actionspd, the character would have one second of float time, with 5 seconds (actionspd = 60) as the maximum. When characters with that ability go Super in Match, they would be able to float indefinitely.

Make it possible to control how fast the Slow Fall descends.
Once again, this would be determined by actionspd, with 60 being much faster than the normal falling rate, allowing for ground pound abilities, and 0 being no descent at all. To prevent people from abusing this to allow characters to float indefinitely, a five-second time limit would automatically be placed on the ability if actionspd = 0.

Have crosshairs appear on Homing Attack targets.
Just create an object with a crosshair sprite that doesn't preform any actions except play sfx_deton upon appearing, then code it so that when a character with the homing attack targets a nearby object, it appears at the position of the targeted object, and disappears when the player presses jump and homes in on the target.

Give the swim ability infinite duration.
This would help compensate for its underpoweredness.
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Make it possible for characters to have two seperate abilities.
This would allow for further character customization. The second ability would be activated by pressing spin rather than jump while jumping. Abilities could also be combined in some cases, like how Super Sonic can thok in mid-fly. This would allow the player to use one ability while the other is active. To compensate, characters with two abilities would not be able to spin or spindash and would be unable to use the power of the Whirlwind or Armageddon shields.

I can only see this being completely balence breaking. There is a REASON why Super Sonic can fly, and that is because he's SUPER. While this is already possible to an extent, I can see this wrecking havoc completely.

Tone down the power of the Super Sonic Float.
At least in non-super characters. This would be done by placing a time limit on the float, determined by actionspd. For every 12 actionspd, the character would have one second of float time, with 5 seconds (actionspd = 60) as the maximum. When characters with that ability go Super in Match, they would be able to float indefinitely.

Super Sonic float is compensated by no additional jump height gain, or in the case of Sonic, speed and instant accell. Eggman.wad is a good example of a wad with Super Sonic float that is not OP.

Have crosshairs appear on Homing Attack targets.
Just create an object with a crosshair sprite that doesn't preform any actions except play sfx_deton upon appearing, then code it so that when a character with the homing attack targets a nearby object, it appears at the position of the targeted object, and disappears when the player presses jump and homes in on the target.

SRB2 often can have more enemies on screen than modern Sonic games. I can hear the constant beeping now. BEEBEBEBEBEBEBEBBEBEBBEBEBEBEBEBEBBEBEBEBEBEEP

Give the swim ability infinite duration.
This would help compensate for its underpoweredness.

...Did you ever play as Crawla Honcho? Swim already HAS this. Has had it forever, it seems.
Are you sure it has infinite duration? I could've sworn I've had it run out of energy on me at least once. Well, if it already does, then problem solved.

As for the homing-attack target, it would only appear on the nearest enemy and therefore the one that you would home in on. Furthermore, it would only appear while jumping. Therefore, the target wouldn't be as obstructive as you might think.
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<D00D64-X> there is ONE thing Mario mode has over vanilla SRB2
<D00D64-X> that I cannot comprehend has not been an option after all of these years
<D00D64-X> 1up music not reseting levelmusic

Seriously, why not?
Speaking of Mario mode, I suggest you guys add these tiles that I made to the vanilla set, I'm tired of seeing bricks as far as the eye can see.


Actually, I'm going to redo every, if not all, the Mario tiles like this because the vanilla ones are shitty scale ups.
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Please do not use checkerboard dithering when making graphics for SRB2. Software's nearest neighbor filtering will make it look like absolute crap.

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