
How about you write down some real arguments instead of redirecting everybody to your mod without any sort of explanation?

"Hey, I tried this, it looked ugly and annoying. If you seriously don't believe me, look here." isn't implied?
I'd like to remind everyone how stupid the JTE bots were, and that was in an older system with much simpler stages than our modern match system. While bots are possible, it's just too hard to be worth it when human opponents are easy to obtain and far less stupid.
I'm sorry, even the worst human players don't tend to find a wall and run directly into it for minutes at a time. Those bots had a tendency to do that.
The match bots? I remember they were actually a worthy challenge due to their unforgiving perfect aim, but I agree that they would never work in nowadays' levels. They had a high tendency to just run off the platforms in Nimbus Ruins, so.
Personally, I'd like to see the bots come back myself*, although yeah, I also see how they would suck in some of 2.0's levels.

Would a simple waypoint system for them work though? A script lump with a format like this?

type = WALK (walk, jump, spin, tailsfly, knuxclimb)
x = 0
y = 0
z = 0
waypointconnect = 2, 3, 4

*I have very fond memories of loading up Mystic Realm, entering coop, adding a bunch of bots with coop AI on, and leading a stampede through the levels until it crashed. Fun times...
Waypoints would be the ONLY way to make the bots work, but then you lose compatibility with existing maps, and the map creators are then responsible for adding bot support to their levels. It's too much of a fuss for subpar AI.

Edit: Though a dumb Tails bot for single player mode might be fun to play around with. :)
1. Make a emerald toss action for Match/CTF mode.
I find it annoying when someone has almost all the emeralds but someone on the same team has the other ones, and you can't get them from him/her.

2. Third person pointer (I can't remember the word)
...For people who like to play in third person.
I thought the CTF toss button WAS emerald toss?
2.Its been said, it will be to hard to make.
Edit:Oops, I thought the discussion was bug reports discussion...
Make the shields have distinct spritesets (like in 1.09.4), instead of only having SORB#0. It would allow graphic replacers to be more creative with the shields, like having the S3&K shield styles, or making custom differences between each shield's looks.
Make Sector Type 96 have a linedef equivalent that can work with different amounts of emeralds defined by flags.
Make Sector Type 96 have a linedef equivalent that can work with different amounts of emeralds defined by flags.

So... this could have an Emerald Check Parameter Linedef Trigger that "reads" how many emeralds the player has collected. Depending on the number of emeralds, a certain event could be activated. A very simple example: player collected 6 emeralds except 5th emerald, then a CECHO shows up "You have not collected the Red Emerald! // You have to <insert something here>".

How would it "read" how many emeralds the player has collected? Each emerald would receive a "bit" value: none = 1; 1st = 2; 2nd = 4; 3rd = 8; 4th = 16; 5th = 32; 6th = 64; 7th = 128; and 8th = 256. The linedef lenght is the bit somatory of emeralds that will trigger the linedef executor.
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-Pop up sectors .The first one pops up quickly then return instead of just moving fast only, they could be used to make pop up spikes.

The second one working the same way except knocks the player upwards in the air placing them in their hurt frame without hurting them.

-A water jet object that works like the flame jets except bumps the player into the direction they are going on contact.
-Pop up sectors .The first one pops up quickly then return instead of just moving fast only, they could be used to make pop up spikes.

It exists via Gargoyle Rooms. Just have one trigger spikes shooting up really fast and one retracting them slower.
The ability to use the control scheme similar to DSZ currents (left and right become strafe and the camera is forced behind you), but can be done out of water and without forcing you into pain sprites.
1) Smoother camera alignment on water slides

Camera aligns too abruptly to character's trajectory on curved water slides. This should be smoother. See 1st DSZ2's water slide. I have some levels that use some 90º turns on water slides, seems the camera will hit the walls...

2) Getting camera unstuck from FOF's surfaces

This happens in Lift Bridge Zone (my CTF level) and Twisted Terminal Zone. On LBZ, if character gets into the bridge's tubes, the camera gets stuck outside, over the FOF (this worked so well in 1.09.4). On TTZ, if I do toggle chasecam while I'm in underground, the camera gets stuck over the FOF.

(in pictures above, the character was actually under the FOF, but the camera was stuck over the FOF)

3) New thing: Fireball Spawner

Works almost like Rock Spawner but instead of making rocks fall from a cliffside, it makes fireballs that hurts the player; if falling on floor, stick on floor like slimeballs (Egg Slime) and disappear after some few seconds.

I think of using it in things like this:



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