
ok, that really better, but i just thought that an casual player doesn't have why to play multiplayer mode and this could be good? but really do it be possible in single player is a good idea too.
ok, that really better, but i just thought that an casual player doesn't have why to play multiplayer mode and this could be good? but really do it be possible in single player is a good idea too.
Doing it in Single Player will not fix anything. A Causual Player in this game is definetly going to play Multiplayer to speed through zones, help each other and hang around, not to collect things that have no context as to why do we need them.
We didn't know that Trip was a sungazer lizard by that point. That's a well(ish)-known fact now.

I do feel like it would be cool to get a different ability with them selected. Maybe some kind of thing when pressing spin while his little speech bubble is up?
Maybe it could be based off that one thing they do in the Mania intro and Mania Adventures? The thing where Tails spins Sonic around real fast and throws him into his spin state
My take on the ability:
Sonic and Tails jump into the air as Tails grabs Sonic's hands and spins around as fast as he can before throwing him.
Spin to use/cancel ability
Jump to throw Sonic
2 seconds in the air before you fall
Forward and Backwards would aim it up and down; Left and Right, I don't need to explain.
It would be more so used for bosses and horizonticallity rather than verticality, as you can only aim it a little up and a little down.
This is poorly explained but I think you know what I mean
Post automatically merged:

As for how far they can aim vertically, I'd say about 10° off of 0°
  • Amy as a starting character
  • Mighty and Ray as unlockable characters
  • Trip as the tutorial guide and unlockable character
  • 4-Player Split-Screen
  • Enabling and disabling addons without restarting
  • Display controller buttons for menus
Is it a bad idea to remake the game in a different game engine?
  • Amy as a starting character
  • Mighty and Ray as unlockable characters
  • Trip as the tutorial guide and unlockable character
  • 4-Player Split-Screen
  • Enabling and disabling addons without restarting
  • Display controller buttons for menus
Is it a bad idea to remake the game in a different game engine?
Yes, because they'd have to remake the game ALL OVER AGAIN. And mighty and Ray are also mods, so there's no reason to add them.
Not to mention how hard 4 player split-screen would be.
Amy as a starting character
Amy's designed to be a more advanced character for veterans who know what they're doing. I think it's fine that she's unlockable. If you feel differently however, they recently changed their stance on modding regarding how save data is treated, so if you want a locked character to be unlocked from the start you're more than free to make a mod for it.

Mighty and Ray as unlockable characters
Trip as the tutorial guide and unlockable character
They already confirmed they're not adding in more characters than we already have. If you want to play as other characters, mod them in.

I don't think this would be doable within the Doom engine. We don't use 3D models for levels, we use 2D data that the game interpolates to look 3D.
Even if we did have realistic terrain, it would probably crash the game since this game wasn't made for realistic terrain.

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