Such Bad Weather were having in May...

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Graphic & Sprite Modder.
Well... for me anyway, and others in the United States and such.

First the Blizzard that happened during the Winter in the USA where there was snow pretty much EVERYWHERE and now... looks like this Summer has a few surprises.

Some major flooding, Tornadoes, Severe Thunderstorms and they say this upcoming Tuesday will be bad, which... I think is May 31st? (I'm even within the red area where they say is a greater chance of severe weather.)

At around 1:30pm on May 29th from where I live, we had a Severe Thunderstorm and as it kept going East it looked like a Tornado was forming over Northern Indiana as it grew darker and darker and as time went by it got lighter by my area, not to mention that the wind was picking up before it died down as the storm kept going East, which then Indiana gets caught up with Tornado Warnings.

So... anyone else get hit with any Bad Weather this month? It can be floods, Tornadoes, Severe Thunderstorms, well... pretty much anything weather related, screenshots could also be posted here if you can capture it.
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We got hit by pretty bad thunderstorms, which shut our internet down for a bit. We never got a power outage though. Also, I was playing on XBL with a cousin of mine who lives near Pittsburgh, and he and his friends have been getting random power outages from a bad thunderstorm.

I live in New York, if that helps.
This year has been particularly wet in the American Midwest, and I've heard that farmers here are antsy because rain keeps them behind schedule as far as planting goes. Still, we haven't had floods where I live to the extent that we had them in 2008, so that's good.
All we've gotten here in DC is absurdly hot weather for this time of year. They're threatening us with breaking the record high today and tomorrow, and there's nothing below 80 degrees in the 10 day forecast.
Texas is undergoing a drought right now and West Texas had wildfires recently, though that situation is under control now. I don't recall when exactly was the last time it rained but I know that it's only rained once or twice in the last two or three months.
Oh yeah, it's been pretty hot out here lately as well, despite living in a state with the longest winter ever. (To us, anything above 80 degrees is REALLY hot.)
Well its pretty weird in Virginia as well. We would have a really bad thunder storm, or in some cases a hail storm for like 20 minutes, then the weather will get extremely hot. The process will just repeat itself for a few days then stop. I happened to get caught in one of the hail storms riding my bike back home and man does that stuff hurt like crazy.
It's ironic for me because for the last 2 years in May, it was rather hot here, and now it's moderate temperature, with little humidity, and a whole lot of rain.
It's been hot and stormy some days, but that's not much of a surprise for Florida.
It's usually cool in the SoCA. It's nearing summer so it should be blindly hot by now as it was getting hotter and hotter around this time for the past years. Now we've been getting rain more often then we do in Winter.
So... they say it's suppose to be bad today in my area, and... well... it's cloudy, but not storming.

Maybe tonight it could happen, but who knows? It's only 4:41pm after all, I just hope it doesn't happen while I'm asleep. >_>
After weeks of rain (And storms along with tornadoes!) it is a nice change to have a lot of humidity and sunlight. I'm practically melting outside!
Temperature finally descended below 75 Farenheit, with a nice, windy rain, instead of a freaking dry sun all the day. I'd say it's one of the best weathers we`ve got here down south.
Supposed to have rain soon. Don't know if that will happen or not but weird for sure in June.
Most I've gotten this month is some days ranging around 90F and some light rain.

I suppose southern California just got lucky.
Wow. For the whole month of May we've had temperatures that are usually in Summer, not Spring. (Around 25º C to be precise)
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