Stuff to put in 1.09

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Omega the Hedgehog said:
Blue Blur said:
Ah, well, it was worth a try. But later on, when Legacy fixes up those bugs, wouldn't it be somewhat easy to make MD2 cross over to SRB2?

DooM Legacy gets updated every 40 or so blue moons.

There's a C++ version due out soon. Problem is, that's such a drastic re-write of the Legacy Engine, that, my understanding is, SRB2 won't be able to use that (and it's many, many enhancements) without major re-working.

In other words, besides the tweaks SRB2 coders are doing to the engine _right now_, functionality with stuff like 3D models and slopes and whatever else is probably as far along as it's going to get.
There should be an exit sector-type linedef exec that allows you to place multiple exits in a level that take you to seperate maps. I.e, one exit takes you to Map01, another takes you to Map02, ect. This may be possible to do another way, I dunno.
That would be cool. Even though SRB2 levels can be as big as the moon you could make them bigger by warping to other maps. Then like after 10 maps you finish the level. Sonic would need a GPS device to find the end. :D
Copy/Paste from another thread...

Walan said:
Quick suggestion: the Eggman on Fire movie poster should be a texture in SRB2. It would be kinda like the first level in the Sonic: Time Attacked fangame where there were movie posters on the walls in tunnels.
Ritz said:
There should be an exit sector-type linedef exec that allows you to place multiple exits in a level that take you to seperate maps. I.e, one exit takes you to Map01, another takes you to Map02, ect. This may be possible to do another way, I dunno.
Doesn't that already exist? I could've sworn I got it working a while ago.

Though, there should be a way to make it so you can travel from level to level without the stat screen popping up (ie: treat several maps as one BIG map, kinda like what ZDOOM has with its hub levels, or just what Strife does).
Shadow Hog said:
Ritz said:
Though, there should be a way to make it so you can travel from level to level without the stat screen popping up (ie: treat several maps as one BIG map, kinda like what ZDOOM has with its hub levels, or just what Strife does).

You can do that already, too.
Edit Raw Data in WadAuthor, and change the X and Y coordinates to be a horizontal or vertical line of the given length. Yeah, math is evil. I know ^_~
There's something called 'Trial and Error' so that you don't need Trigojunkiemathimatical calculations, Mystic.

1. Set 1 vertice to something.
2. Set 2nd vertice so that X = X of vertice 1, and Y = (Vertice 1 Y + Map Number)
Allright. I have an idea for 1.1 ...I'm not really sure how good it is, but I like it.
Would it be cool if you could play wav files in-game so other people could listen to them? Think about it. you could do something like this..
alias sounds "wait 22; playwav spring.wav; wait 22; playwav ring.wav; sounds"
Now those sounds would get really annoying after a while...but, if used properly, you could create your own custom music!
Although, some users may not like this so...
I think there should be an option on the menu that lets you either
1. Listen to the game's music,
2. Listen to no music,
3. Listen to your music only,
4. listen to your music and other user's music, or
5. Listen to other user's music only.

Wouldn't that be awsome? It'd be like a whole different gametype..
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