Stuff to put in 1.09

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Mystic said:
Well if nothing else 1.09 has the script linedef executor, so you could run a script to change the camera angle and position. I thought there was a stupid way to change the camera angle in 1.08, though. I might just be on something, though.
Yush, that was my idea. I needed it to make things that "say" stuff for that crappy SA thing I had so long ago... It took a lot of bugging to get a441 to make it. :roll: Of course, it's still useful for things like making cameras move and Sonic-only places... Heh, it'd be cool if you could somehow make it so that scripts can change skins and colors and maps and stuff even when typeing it into the console won't... Imagine the Sonic Heroes options we'd have! :lol:
<Omochao> Pass through THIS gate to turn into Amy!
*runs through a pink laser gate*
*turns into a pink hedgehog*
I use it in Mystic Realm v4 to give general information in certain sections, because it's nice to have the version number and everything there when you load up =P
a441 said:
Rather not. I've seen how the "disallow join" has been used in ways that border on tyrannical, and I don't want to foster bad spirits in the community. If you want to host a private game, just don't tell people about it you don't want in.

Unfortunately, a441, the reason he wants that feature is not to be tyrannical. Currently, if someone wants to host a private game, they have to get all of the players in and then immediately set a maxplayers of at or lower than the number of players. If someone else joined, they have to be kicked to keep the players in. This would be useful for situations where we have more people than we can host, for instance, in making sure that only the people randomly selected get into the game.

Having a password lock feature, while it _can_ be used for mean-spirited tactics, would more often be used for positive things, like having private netgames or for excluding random people when there isn't enough hosting horsepower. That way the server wouldn't get blasted so the people who want to get in can pull it off.

I don't see how having a password feature would be any more cruel than manually kicking people you don't want, and at least with a password feature, they don't get the false hope of actually joining the game only to be removed from it by the host. They'd just be informed to give a password, and if they don't know it, they can't join. That at least makes it very clear what's going on, instead of just being kicked randomly out of a game.
Mystic said:
Currently, if someone wants to host a private game, they have to get all of the players in and then immediately set a maxplayers of at or lower than the number of players. If someone else joined, they have to be kicked to keep the players in.

1. Don't advertise the game on the list server.
2. Don't mention it in a public IRC channel.
3. ???

The password idea has absolutely nothing to do with keeping excess players out, as you suggest. That is why we have the maxplayers setting you mention.
Yes, that's correct, but there are times when somehow it slips that someone is making a private game. Unless you want to be violent about it and set maxplayers to players - 1 and kick him, there really isn't a simple way to make a private game. The other benefit is that by making a password system, you could still use the master server to set up your private game, and it would be obvious to everyone else that they can't join it because it has a lock next to it signifying it's password locked. This would allow people who don't know how to connect via IP to create a private game with their friends using the master server.

Basically, if SRB2 ever becomes actually popular, it would be very beneficial to have the ability to lock by a password, for clan servers and the like. I don't expect it to ever happen, but if it does, we'd be VERY sorry for not having the feature.

However, the logic of "We shouldn't add a password system because people can be mean" is just dumb. You can be mean with IRC, so does that mean we should stop using it? You most CERTAINLY can be tyrannical with a message board. For that matter, we should remove netplay because people can pick on the newbie for extra points. There really is nothing about having the ability to password-lock a game that's more cruel than anything else in the community, and it would allow for a few things that we couldn't do otherwise.

I'd even go so far as to say that having a password-lock feature would be GOOD for the community, as it would allow more people to experience SRB2 netplay with their real life friends without interruptions from people on the internet. Figuring out how to connect to a game in 1.08 is a major roadblock for a casual gamer. With the master server, it's a sinch. Most of the newer players will probably not know how to connect manually, and would only have experience with the master server, so why force them to learn how to connect manually if they want to play with a specific person? Instead, with a simple password lock, they could use the same way to connect to and create a private game as they would to create a public one. Simplicity is always good.
I don't think anyone is worried about "interruptions" from people on the Internet. That's a way you find new people to play with.

What we have here is a feature request that is not only a lot of work, but very likely will be used by certain members of the community to bully others and nothing else. I can already see in my head people cursing me for putting in a password system, while a few elites get to see a new wad or something, and they don't. No way. You're welcome to have a private server, but if you do, you keep word of it to yourself.
The "a lot of work" is one thing. The "people are assholes" is another, and is the whole reason passwords are good.

Personally, I'm very worried about "interruptions" from the internet, because I've actually, well, played games on the internet. The internet is full of lamers, dumbasses and otherwise annoying people that many people do not feel the need to deal with. If someone is just trying to play a game with a few friends, he would not want lamers joining his game, having a password feature would be very appealing to him, because then he could just play the game with his friends that he already has.

A great example of passwords done correctly would be PSO, where if you don't put in a password you will get people joining you. Those people are about a 50/50 chance of being a decent player, or a total asshole, because PSO is a popular game and any popular game attracts lamers. There are many times when I want to find new people to play with, so I take the risk and play with a password off. However, if I don't want the hassle, simply locking the game by password prevents the guessing game, and allows me to only play with the people I gave the password to. Since all the people who don't know the password see is the game name, difficulty, and number and names of the players, they can't exactly find all that much about what is actually going on there unless they know the password. If they DO know the password, they can join it just like any other game, and then get into the game with the people they want to play with.

Now obviously, someone could use the password system to be an asshole to someone by doing all of the things you've described. However, that person will probably do that anyhow, he just wouldn't have access to a password, and have to do it in another mean way. I see no difference between people being a bully with a password or being a bully with a kick, or a bully with any of the other ways you can exclude people from a game. And since all someone would see of a passworded game in the master server would be a little lock and the name and information, they wouldn't have a clue that that person is being mean and excluding them unless the bully decides to talk about it somewhere else, like say, IRC. If they're being an asshole on IRC, you can easily do something about it there.

Now obviously, if it's insanely hard to do, which you mentioned, that's another problem altogether, and it's not worth slaving over it for hours to get it to work. But as a request, it's a perfectly reasonable and correct request. The implementation is the problem.
Mystic has a good point you know. BTW, SRB2 is becoming quite popular. :wink:
For people who do not have the decency to stay out of a game after being kicked, there are already other remedies. So if that is your hangup in understanding the issue, don't worry about it.

In SRB2 it isn't likely you'll get lamers, it's likely you'll find new people who never would've joined the IRC channel or the message board because they're intimidated by setting up stuff like that. We've done a fair amount of work on the master server, and it's for the sake of inclusiveness. "Nyah nyah, here's a game but you can't join it!" support is not a priority.

That is what it will get used for. The elitist attitudes I see around here are just unbelievable.
Nowhere near the levels Mystic's talking about, though.

Word of mouth amongst the Sonic community ("it's, like, the first 3D Sonic game since SA1 to not suck!") and perhaps even the DOOM community to an extent ("this is, without a doubt, the most impressive edit of DOOM I've seen since ZDOOM...") certainly help, though. Now, if you want popularity, you could get EGM to notice you like they did The GHZ a while back...

Both quotes are hypothetical, BTW. I think the more likely reaction in the latter category would be "yeah, it's cool, but I prefer my Super Shotgun thanks"...
No, the Doom peeps think it's pretty crazy that it's made from Doom.

Rather than implement passwords, the server could just use a wonky port number.
Yeah, but in a good way ("it's so CRAZY that they can make this from DOOM!") or bad ("they're CRAZY for abominating DOOM like they did!")?...
The former.

A Doom site actually reproduced this message on its news page as a status update on SRB2:

"SSNTails - Tuesday, 23rd March, 2004

I suppose it's only fair that I give you guys an update as to what's going on.

I've been very preoccupied with life in general this year, and haven't touched SRB2 too much. Fortunately, a441 and Mystic have been making progress, with my input.

* Yes there is going to be a 1.09. I'm sure you're sick of the delays, but 1.09 will tide all of the mappers out there who want to do all sorts of crazy things.

* 1.1 is going to be the final SRB2.

Yeah, you heard me, final. Hopefully as many zones as we can get done. Will it happen? I hope so!"

I found that while searching for something for some reason. It's interesting how they like SRB2 so much they'll post a status update that pretty much says nothing at all.
BlazeHedgehog said:
a441 said:

Where in the world did that background come from? Does OpenGL enhance the backgrounds, too?
in 1.1 there schould be an YELLOW super sonic when he transforms
Mystic said:
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah password option blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah private netgame blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah mean-spirited tactics blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah positive things blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah random people blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah random people blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah random people blah blah blah!
Okey then. Well, if you don't like "random people", why do you stay here? And by the way, the current password system crashes netgames... *doorbell* Oh, brb... *goes*
*comes back 20 minutes later* Jehovah's witnesses. Good people... A little mislead, but good no less... :roll:
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