Stuff to put in 1.09

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I brought this idea up in #srb2fun a bit ago, and several people agree it would be really neat to have linedef executors that toggle weather effects. The way I had it figured is, for example, you're going through a level and encounter a rather large cave. Located somewhere in the middle of it is a linedef executor which enables rain, so by the time you reach the exit, it's raining for the rest of the level. Alternatively, there could be a way to set sectors so that there is no weather effect applied to them even if the sky is visible, but that wouldn't be quite as cool.
Or maybe an F_SKY2 texture, so that when you enter said cave, it could be a lot darker when you leave? Ignore the fact it'd be brighter if you run through the cave backwards, effectively reversing time.

Or hey, a linedef executor that changes the sky. That'd be kinda cool too.
I don't think the following has been suggested yet:

Would it make sense to allow the host of a netgame to prohibit wad downloads? Effectively, that is, to force the -nodownload option on all clients. Maybe the dialogue box that results when wads are out of synch could be altered, too, to list only the problematic wads, and to direct the user to the Addons section of the website.

EDIT: Another thing: maybe, if the user tries to join interactively (rather than from the command line) and the wads don't match up, the details of the discrepancies could be displayed in the console, rather than bombing with a dialogue.
Oogaland said:
I don't think the following has been suggested yet:

Would it make sense to allow the host of a netgame to prohibit wad downloads? Effectively, that is, to force the -nodownload option on all clients. Maybe the dialogue box that results when wads are out of synch could be altered, too, to list only the problematic wads, and to direct the user to the Addons section of the website.

EDIT: Another thing: maybe, if the user tries to join interactively (rather than from the command line) and the wads don't match up, the details of the discrepancies could be displayed in the console, rather than bombing with a dialogue.
Already in 1.09. It doesn't prevent a crash, but it will tell you the filename in the error message that pops up. It also checks the CRC of the file, so it won't let you join if you have an incorrect version of the file as well.

By default, it won't let people download files over a specific filesize, if I recall.

We know full-well that this is a nasty issue in 1.08, and it was dealt with a while back because of it =P
Mystic said:
By default, it won't let people download files over a specific filesize, if I recall.

It would be nice if we could at least get a patch for this and call it 1.08a >.>.
Mystic said:
We know full-well that this is a nasty issue in 1.08, and it was dealt with a while back because of it =P

Okay, thanks anyway. Sorry if I missed the suggestion on an earlier page; my search should probably have been more thorough.
i didnt really know where to put this, but i think it has to be changed. It says it right in the manual:

Grab the opposing team's flag and bring it back to your base. As an added challenge, if you reclaim your flag, you have to bring it back to your base - it won't return automatically.

i dont believe that still exists, no?
Actually, it was intentionally removed because it actually made it easier to win, by taking your flag to the ends of the map and hiding with it.
So make it so you can't score unless your flag is at the base. That's how all the big games do it nowadays; if you chicken out and hide where nobody can find you, everyone loses.
Shadow Hog said:
So make it so you can't score unless your flag is at the base. That's how all the big games do it nowadays; if you chicken out and hide where nobody can find you, everyone loses.
And that's exactly what everyone was doing.

The fact that you can score without your flag in base is a bug.
Chaos Zero 64 said:
That was in the other version of Final Demo, right? And you just forgot to correct that mistake in the manual too, correct?
The manual was written before we made those changes. A lot of the stuff in the manual is kinda out of date.
Tets said:
I brought this idea up in #srb2fun a bit ago, and several people agree it would be really neat to have linedef executors that toggle weather effects.

Shadow Hog said:
Or hey, a linedef executor that changes the sky. That'd be kinda cool too.
Ritz said:
Tets said:
I brought this idea up in #srb2fun a bit ago, and several people agree it would be really neat to have linedef executors that toggle weather effects.

Shadow Hog said:
Or hey, a linedef executor that changes the sky. That'd be kinda cool too.

A winner is you. I just added both. See the power of posting in this thread?
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