STH360 (50 % done) continues elsewhere

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I still get that error :/ Can you set it to when you finish a zone, it goes straight back to Soleanna (or New City if you entered the zone there)
thats what was done in the last 1/2 beta but it still comes. did you use level select to reach any level? since thats what gives me the error.
So, Sonildow, what level are you planning to make next?
Oh, by the way, I was having a poke around White Acropolis, and then I noticed how EPICALLY AWESOME the ledges were!
Definatley a plus for White Acropolis!
Well, you guys guess what....... Look at the Topic name. Yes I've unleashed it like sonic, so enjoy yourselves, and people who got my private betas I made some more changes so this is an opportunity for you guys too! Enjoy^^
HS there a small For the first check point of Crisis City Cause When i dead i reset in this check point. i dead Again !!! Because a Crawla is Too near Of The Check Point.
It's not bad but there were some glitches in White Acropolis like the red laser beams and Crisis city NEEDS some work!
goarnic said:
thats what was done in the last 1/2 beta but it still comes. did you use level select to reach any level? since thats what gives me the error.
No I don't use level select. I go through the levels normally

EDIT: I just lied, The only time I use level select is to get to Soleanna Castle Town so I can keep the emeralds
I know. That's what I was going to do, but Where am I going to start. I need a pic of the flying monster.
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