STH360 (50 % done) continues elsewhere

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Eh...that needs a wee bit fixing about some shading and use less brown (or what ever that is)
I just tried the new beta! :DDD
-Crisis city is rampant with tight places over massive death pits, and your spring placement needs more work for it be fully passable, I still haven't completed it yet for those reasons. :P Can't complain too much though, you've got plenty of time to iron out the kinks and polish things up.
-For some reason, I keep getting errors in White Acropolis and Crisis City, because it keeps complaining that it can't get megabytes. I need to try typing -mb 128 to see if it helps. I guess this means your going to need to include a "minimum requirements" list with the mod. :P
I've already positively commented on everything else that was in the last beta in PMs, but if there's anything else new in it that I've missed, I'll comment on it later.
I have to loop the music this weekend HS because I just forgot after I formatted I lost all my music.
Looks good!
And please don´t forget to change the box textures in WO 2, DD and at the begining of WA
I was playing it, and then I stopped. It screwed with my compter so much that I had to restart it!

Then I noticed that I was playing on a slow computer, on software mode.

So i'll review it on the weekend. Crisis City looks great though.
I think that you can make FOF's that move sideways. Do that to the tornado so that it moves forward a little slower than Sonic can run. Perfect flaming tornado. Also add a current inside the tornado to make it look more like it's spinning.
Here's my review of the two new levels (I had to hack (map mapXX) to go to those levels in 1-P)

Crisis City: It looked not bad, it's good, but still a bit short like white acropolis, since I seen that both of them are kinda long... still good. Also those buzzes came out of nowhere hurting me, put them visible to the player's eye when it comes in the desired section. It needs to be improved. 8,5/10

C/C Mach Speed: 3 words...


Do you think it's easy going at high speed with only 15% of the way clear??? Especially when the boxes are too high to jump??? agh... the final part was horrid, it's good having camera moving in front of you, but it's so hard, I died 3 times trying to beat that part, it was very hard strafing in that part, it's also impossible to strafe in this stage without hurting one box. Also, are you sure the tornado moves, because it doesn't look like it. Redo this stage on taking out some boxes, especially on the final part. 6/10
I didn't make the tornado move or I didn't say that I was going to make it move. Even How am I going to make it chase you all over the map. I'll go fix the box problem, but I can't make the tornado move everywhere.
Brown the dog said:
Crisis City: It looked not bad, it's good, but still a bit short like white acropolis, since I seen that both of them are kinda long... still good. Also those buzzes came out of nowhere hurting me, put them visible to the player's eye when it comes in the desired section. This is good enough for having the max note, but it needs to be improved. 10/10

Sorry to be anal, but I just thought I'd mention that a map needing improvement doesn't deserve a 10/10.
Yeah. No map out there can ever have a 10/10. That just can't happen. I assume you have a biased vote because you like "Next-Gen Sonic" stuff. This is exactly what SRB2 is getting away from.
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