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SRB2SNK: A fighting game

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1. Yes, there will be tons of new linedef types, sector types, and thing types to make gimmicks like that work.
2. We're going to change them to make them work better in 3D, but the general concept will be the same.
3. Super Emeralds and Hyper Sonic are slated for the mod, yes.
4. Sector effect for this already exists.
5. With a boss that looks like Knuckles, sounds like Knuckles, and acts like Knuckles!
6. Probably not.
7. We have a ton of ideas for special stages, although what we've already decided is that special stages in the S3&K style aren't going to work. I have nothing more to say on the matter.
8. A Tailsbot wouldn't be worth coding. We might make a special gametype for only two players with Sonic and Tails alone, though, with features that would help true coop play, like splitscreen.
Since it's an exe, of course, but you'd need proper configuration files for level editors, let alone documentation on new features.
Would you really need a config? Couldn't you just look at the SRB2&K maps and figure out what each new linedef is? Though, that would take a while.

EDIT: Also, I really would like a texture pack, or at least the Ice Cap textures and Lava Reef textures, as I'd like to use them in a level I'm designing.
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I have an idea. You could make the classic S3&K levels as unlockables. Do you guys like this idea?
Since it's an exe, of course, but you'd need proper configuration files for level editors, let alone documentation on new features.

That's alright, I'm flying blind on a few of 2.0's current features as it is right now. Lack of wiki articles and all. Polyobjects were pretty easy to pick up though.
Well, the super emeralds are kinda needed, because getting 7 emeralds in about 13 or so zones isn't that hard at all, but getting 14 emeralds is a bit more of a challenge.

Uhm, yeah, that'd be nice, but I'm planning on making the SRB1&K mod myself, once the slopes edition comes out(if it does).

sorry, but there will be no "slopes edition" because the STJR's have no interest in adding slopes to srb2.
Wrong. It's not because of the interest.

It's because slopes cannot be made on SRB2. It isn't suported.

And also, indeed there should be super emeralds for a REALLY good challenge.
Wrong. It's not because of the interest.

It's because slopes cannot be made on SRB2. It isn't suported.
They can be made. Actually, there has been an OpenGL-only slopes beta at one time during development, AFAIK. The thing is that it wouldn't be worth it because of the sheer number of textures, running animations etc. that would needed to be made, especially since slopes physics would be missing anyway.
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Personally, I'd be fine with just the geometry for slopes. Start with that, make it combinable with line def actions like conveyor belts, and then make a slope in SRB2 Doom builder with the conveyor belt action (minus the scrolling texture) going in the direction of down hill.

Rotations for the slopes should not be nessary. ZDoom has them and they never worried about sprite rotations. Heck, all they have slope wise is the geometry. No physics or anything else.

(was wrong about the physics)
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look at this private message, here is why they don't want to make the slopes:

(please, read the message from the bottom to the top)

Make a whole new engine?

Originally Posted by SSNTails
Seriously, I know ZDoom has them, but they aren't the kind of slopes that people are wanting. You're really better off with a whole new engine and starting from scratch.

Originally Posted by Ankoctoaragon
Originally Posted by SSNTails
If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know it's not practical.
Most of the game physics code, object interaction, etc. would all have to be rewritten. It's not worth it. Better to start from scratch with an engine that supports it, like Wizard2.

Originally Posted by Ankoctoaragon
Hi again SSNTails!!
I want to make you the last question about slopes:
Why the team have no interest in adding slopes to srb2?

if I find someone that will di this job, the team will acept in adding the slopes?
how much time someone will need to spend to make the slopes?
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Specifically I'm addressing Arf and Nev3r, but this is also directed towards the entire SRB2&K staff: Does anyone mind if I submit LRZ2 into the OLDC?

It's not done yet, heavens no. But I'd like to have it done by then to be submitted. I'd like feedback while I'm still fresh on the level, and the OLDC would also be a good place for public testing. Granted, players would be testing it in vanilla SRB2, not really with any custom features that come with the executable. However, I'm thinking that the bulk of the level can be tested without any fancy stuff from the executable.

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